Interacting with an IR remote unit
The IR remote unit is an electronic photoelectric sensor capable of detecting infrared signals. The IR remote unit has an infrared emitter and receiver pair circuit packaged inside the electronic sensor unit. The IR remote unit is shown in Figure 2.16. The IR remote uses an IRM-3638 three-pin integrated circuit (IC). As shown in Figure 2.17, the IRM-3638 IC is responsible for detecting and decoding or demodulating IR signal data.

Figure 2.16 – IR remote unit
Figure 2.17 shows a picture of the IRM-3638 IC:

Figure 2.17 – The IR Module (IRM-3638) IC
There is a photodiode used to transmit IR data from the M5Stack Core. The transmit ability of the IR remote unit provides the emitter operation of the photoelectric sensor device. Therefore, you can quite easily build a portable handheld IR remote tester using the M5Stack Core and this photoelectric sensor device. You will be exploring...