Preventing the accidental deletion of objects
When working with AD objects, it is possible to delete an AD object accidentally. When an AD object is deleted accidentally, the impact on the business will depend on the AD object's role. As an example, if a service account for a critical service is deleted, the business impact will be higher than for the deletion of a test user account. With AD DS 2008, Microsoft introduced a small but important feature to prevent accidental AD object deletion. This is not a solution to recover from disasters but a solution to prevent disasters. In every AD object, under the Object tab, there is a small checkbox to enable this feature. This can be enabled when we create objects using PowerShell. Even if we're not using PowerShell, it can still be enabled using the Object properties window at any time. When creating an OU, this feature is enabled by default:

Figure 7.27: Protect object from accidental deletion
When this option is...