As soon as the publisher sends a message to a topic, Amazon SNS will try to deliver a notification/message to all the subscribers. The subscriber may have different protocols and individual endpoints. With the help of the following steps, a message can be published over an SNS topic:
- Go to the SNS dashboard, and select Topics from the left-hand side pane; it will display a list of topics, as shown in Figure 13.12:
Figure 13.12: SNS Topics dashboard
- Click the Topic ARN, as shown in Figure 13.13:
Figure 13.13: Select Topic, to get ARN
- Click Publish to topic, as shown in Figure 13.14:
Figure 13.14: SNS Topic details
- To publish a message, provide the details, as shown here:
Figure 13.15: Publish a message on a Topic
- Subject: This is optional and can be up to 100 printable ASCII characters. In the case of an email...