- Access Control Lists (ACLs) / OpenFlow, Security groups and the network ACL
- Access Point (AP) / Configuring Cisco switchport for access point
- action plugin
- reference / The first custom module
- Amazon
- books, searching through product search API / Searching Amazon for books through the product search API, How it works...
- Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
- reference / AWS network overview
- about / AWS network overview
- Amazon GuardDuty
- about / Other AWS network services
- reference / Other AWS network services
- Amazon Resource Names (ARNs)
- about / AWS network overview
- reference / AWS network overview
- Amazon S3 web service
- SOAP methods, searching / Searching for SOAP methods from an Amazon S3 web service, How it works...
- Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) / Virtual private cloud
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) / Managing cloud platforms
- setting up / AWS setup
- reference / AWS setup
- Ansible
- about / A more declarative framework
- reference / A more declarative framework, The control node installation, Ansible 2.5 connection example
- example / A quick Ansible example
- control node installation / The control node installation
- different versions, executing from source / Running different versions of Ansible from source
- setting up / Lab setup
- architecture / The Ansible architecture
- networking modules / Ansible networking modules
- Cisco example / The Ansible Cisco example
- connection example / Ansible 2.5 connection example
- Juniper example / The Ansible Juniper example
- Arista example / The Ansible Arista example
- conditional statements / Ansible conditionals
- loops / Ansible loops
- include statement / The Ansible include and roles, The Ansible include statement
- roles / The Ansible include and roles, Ansible roles
- Ansible, advantages
- about / The advantages of Ansible
- agentless / Agentless
- idempotent / Idempotent
- extensible / Simple and extensible
- simplification / Simple and extensible
- network vendor support / Network vendor support
- Ansible Galaxy
- about / Ansible roles
- reference / Ansible roles
- Ansible Jinja2 template
- reference / Templates with Jinja2
- Ansible playbook
- about / Your first Ansible playbook, Our first playbook
- public key authorization / The public key authorization
- inventory file / The inventory file
- Ansible Vault
- about / The Ansible Vault
- reference / The Ansible Vault
- Apache
- configuring, remotely to host website / Configuring Apache remotely to host a website, How it works...
- Apache 2 / How to do it...
- Apache Cassandra
- URL / How to do it...
- Apache ZooKeeper
- URL / How to do it...
- API structured output
- versus screen scraping / Screen scraping versus API structured output
- application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) / Programmable network devices
- Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) / Controller-based network fabric, Introduction
- Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC)
- about / Controller-based network fabric
- APIC Rest Python Adaptor (ARYA) / Controller-based network fabric
- ACI SDK / Controller-based network fabric
- Application Program Interface (API) / Representational State Transfer (REST) framework
- architecture, Ansible
- about / The Ansible architecture
- YAML / The Ansible architecture, YAML
- inventory / The Ansible architecture, Inventories
- variables / The Ansible architecture, Variables
- templates / The Ansible architecture
- templates, with Jinja2 / Templates with Jinja2
- Arista eAPI management
- about / Arista eAPI management
- eAPI, preparation / The eAPI preparation
- examples / eAPI examples
- reference / eAPI examples
- Arista Networks
- about / The Arista Python API
- reference / The Arista Python API
- Arista Pyeapi library
- reference / The Arista Pyeapi library, Pyeapi installation, Pyeapi examples
- about / The Arista Pyeapi library
- installation / Pyeapi installation
- examples / Pyeapi examples
- Arista Python API
- about / The Arista Python API
- Arista eAPI management / Arista eAPI management
- Arista Pyeapi library / The Arista Pyeapi library
- Arista vEOS
- reference / GNS3
- arrays / Arrays
- asynchronous network applications
- building, with Twisted / Building asynchronous network applications with Twisted, How it works...
- building, with Tornado / Building asynchronous network applications with Tornado, How it works...
- Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) / Introduction
- automation
- bad automation / Bad automation speeds bad things up
- Autonomous System (AS) / BGP and routing table
- Availability Zones (AZ) / AWS network overview
- Python SDK / AWS CLI and Python SDK
- reference / AWS CLI and Python SDK
- AWS CloudFront / AWS network overview
- AWS Direct Connect / AWS network overview
- AWS Direct Connect locations
- reference / Direct Connect
- AWS Edge locations / AWS network overview
- AWS Global Infrastructure
- reference / AWS network overview
- AWS network
- overview / AWS network overview
- services / Other AWS network services
- AWS Shield
- reference / Other AWS network services
- about / Other AWS network services
- AWS Transit Centers / AWS network overview
- AWS Transit VPC
- about / Other AWS network services
- reference / Other AWS network services
- about / Other AWS network services
- reference / Other AWS network services
- bandwidth
- saving, in web requests with HTTP compression / Saving bandwidth in web requests with the HTTP compression, How it works...
- bitbucket
- references / How to do it...
- BMP messages
- parsing, with / Parsing BMP messages with, How it works...
- Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) / BGP and routing table
- Boto3
- reference / AWS CLI and Python SDK
- Boto3 VPC API
- reference / Virtual private cloud
- Cisco API
- about / The Cisco API and ACI
- Cisco NX-API / Cisco NX-API
- YANG models / The Cisco and YANG models
- Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI)
- about / The Cisco API and ACI, The Cisco ACI
- reference / The Cisco ACI
- Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) / Cisco VIRL
- Cisco Connection Online (CCO) / Cisco DevNet and dCloud
- Cisco dCloud
- reference / Cisco VIRL
- Cisco DevNet
- reference / Cisco VIRL, Cisco DevNet and dCloud
- about / Cisco DevNet and dCloud
- Cisco IOS XR
- URL / Interacting with devices running Cisco IOS XR
- devices, interacting / Interacting with devices running Cisco IOS XR
- Cisco NX-API
- about / Cisco NX-API
- reference / Cisco NX-API
- installation / Lab software installation and device preparation
- device preparation / Lab software installation and device preparation
- examples / NX-API examples
- Cisco Spark
- references / Collaborating with Cisco Spark API
- Cisco Spark API
- collaborating with / Collaborating with Cisco Spark API
- URL / Collaborating with Cisco Spark API
- Cisco switchport
- configuring, for access point / Configuring Cisco switchport for access point
- configuring, for IP Phone / Configuring Cisco switchport for IP Phone
- Cisco VIRL
- about / Cisco VIRL
- advantages / Cisco VIRL
- reference / VIRL tips
- tips / VIRL tips
- CloudFormation
- about / Automation with CloudFormation
- reference / Automation with CloudFormation
- for automation / Automation with CloudFormation
- CloudFront CDN services / CloudFront CDN services
- cloud platforms
- managing / Managing cloud platforms
- command-line interface (CLI) / Managing cloud platforms
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- challenges / The challenges of the CLI
- communication protocols
- reference / Local connections and facts
- concurrent applications
- building, with Tornado Future / Building concurrent applications with Tornado Future
- conditional statements, Ansible
- when clause / The when clause
- reference / The when clause
- network facts / Ansible network facts
- network module conditional / Network module conditional
- conditions
- about / Decision makers, Conditions and loops
- nested conditions / Nested and multiple conditions
- multiple conditions / Nested and multiple conditions
- configuration backup
- automating / Automating configuration backup
- connected sockets (socketpair)
- used, for performing IPC / Performing a basic IPC using connected sockets (socketpair), How it works...
- construct
- URL / Getting ready
- Containernet
- URL / Emulating networks with Mininet
- containers
- emulating / Extending Mininet to emulate containers, How it works...
- Content Delivery Network (CDN) / CloudFront CDN services
- Contrail Virtual Network Controller
- URL / Configuring OpenContrail controller
- controller-based network fabric / Controller-based network fabric
- cookies
- information, extracting / Extracting cookie information after visiting a website
- custom module
- writing / Writing your own custom module, The first custom module, The second custom module
- reference / The first custom module, The second custom module
- Data Center Networking (DCN) / The challenges of the CLI
- data model
- about / Data modeling for infrastructure as code
- reference / Data modeling for infrastructure as code
- data modeling
- for infrastructure as code / Data modeling for infrastructure as code
- Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK)
- packet, processing / Packet processing with DPDK, How it works...
- URL / Getting ready
- data types
- string / Data types
- integer / Data types
- float / Data types
- datetime / Data types
- about / Python interpreter and data types
- dCloud
- about / Cisco DevNet and dCloud
- reference / Cisco DevNet and dCloud
- decision maker / Decision makers
- declarative framework / A more declarative framework
- denial-of-service (DoS) / How it works...
- DevOps / DevOps
- Direct Connect
- about / Direct Connect and VPN, Direct Connect
- reference / Direct Connect
- Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
- about / Other AWS network services
- distributed network
- emulation, with Maxinet / Distributed network emulation with MaxiNet, How it works...
- dnspython
- URL / Finding DNS host information, Getting ready
- DNS zone transfer
- creating / Making DNS zone transfer
- Domain Name Servers (DNS)
- names, searching of network / Finding DNS names of a network
- host information, searching / Finding DNS host information, How it works...
- resource records, searching / Finding DNS resource records, How it works...
- dronecode
- about / Controlling drones with a wireless network
- URL / Controlling drones with a wireless network
- Dronekit
- URL / How it works...
- drones
- controlling, with wireless network / Controlling drones with a wireless network, How it works...
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) / Programmable network devices
- Dynamip / Cisco VIRL
- eAPI / Programmable network devices
- Elastic IP (EIP)
- about / Elastic IP
- reference / NAT Gateway
- Emulated Virtual Environment Next Generation (EVE-NG)
- reference / GNS3
- Endpoint Groups (EPGs) / Controller-based network fabric
- Endpoints (EPs) / Controller-based network fabric
- Equinix Cloud Exchange
- reference / Direct Connect
- Eve
- used, for authenticating REST APIs / Authenticating REST APIs with Eve
- Extended Markup Language (XML) / Representational State Transfer (REST) framework
- Extensible Markup Language (XML) / Juniper and NETCONF
- Extensible Operating System (EOS) / Programmable network devices
- Fabric
- URL / Installing a Python package remotely
- files
- transferring, to remote machine over SSH / Transferring files to a remote machine over SSH, How it works...
- Flask
- RESTful web applications, creating / Creating RESTful web applications with Flask, How it works...
- Flickr
- photo information, collecting with REST / Collecting some photo information from Flickr using REST, How it works...
- for next loop / For next loop
- FreeIPA
- references / Getting ready
- functions
- about / Functions, Functions
- passing arguments, from command line / Passing arguments from the command line
- Git
- about / Introduction to Git
- benefits / Benefits of Git
- terminology / Git terminology
- reference / Git terminology
- setting up / Setting up Git
- examples / Git usage examples
- collaboration technology / Collaborating with Git
- software-development collaboration / Collaborating with Git
- Git, terminology
- ref / Git terminology
- repository / Git terminology
- branch / Git terminology
- checkout / Git terminology
- commit / Git terminology
- merge / Git terminology
- fetch / Git terminology
- pull / Git terminology
- tag / Git terminology
- Git, with Python
- about / Git with Python
- GitPython / GitPython
- PyGitHub / PyGitHub
- GitHub
- reference / Git and GitHub
- about / Git and GitHub
- example / GitHub example
- collaborating, with pull requests / Collaborating with pull requests
- Gitignore
- about / Gitignore
- reference / Gitignore
- GitPython
- reference / GitPython
- Global Information Tracker (GIT) / Introduction to Git
- GNS3 / GNS3
- Google home page
- URL / How to do it...
- Grafana
- URL / How to do it...
- group variables
- about / Group and host variables, Group variables, Host variables
- reference / Group and host variables
- HEAD requests
- web page existence, checking / Checking whether a web page exists with the HEAD request, How it works...
- hosts
- pinging, on network with ICMP / Pinging hosts on the network with ICMP, How it works...
- host variables
- about / Group and host variables, Host variables
- reference / Group and host variables
- HTTP authentication
- XML-RPC server, executing / Running an XML-RPC server with a basic HTTP authentication, How it works...
- HTTP compression
- bandwidth, saving in web requests / Saving bandwidth in web requests with the HTTP compression, How it works...
- HTTP fail-over client
- writing, with resume downloading / Writing an HTTP fail-over client with resume and partial downloading
- writing, with partial downloading / Writing an HTTP fail-over client with resume and partial downloading
- HTTP packets
- header, adding / Adding an extra header in HTTP packets, How it works...
- HTTP requests
- serving / Serving HTTP requests from your machine, How it works..., How it works...
- HTTP server
- data, downloading / Downloading data from an HTTP server, How it works...
- HTTPS server code
- writing, with Python / Writing a simple HTTPS server code with Python and OpenSSL, How it works...
- writing, with OpenSSL / Writing a simple HTTPS server code with Python and OpenSSL
- hosts, pinging on network / Pinging hosts on the network with ICMP, How it works...
- idempotence
- reference / Idempotent
- idempotency / Idempotent network device interaction
- Identify and Access Management (IAM)
- about / AWS network overview
- reference / AWS network overview
- inactive machines
- detecting, on network / Detecting inactive machines on your network
- include statement, Ansible / The Ansible include statement
- infrastructure as code
- about / Infrastructure as code
- Intent-Driven Networking / Intent-Driven Networking
- screen scraping, versus API structured output / Screen scraping versus API structured output
- data modeling / Data modeling for infrastructure as code
- Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) / Writing your first program
- Intent-Based Networking / Intent-Driven Networking
- Intent-Driven Networking / Intent-Driven Networking
- interfaces
- enumerating, on machine / Enumerating interfaces on your machine, How it works...
- IP address, obtaining / Finding the IP address for a specific interface on your machine
- status, discovering / Finding whether an interface is up on your machine
- internet service provider (ISP) / Programmable network devices
- inventory, Ansible
- about / Inventories
- reference / Inventories
- inventory file
- about / The inventory file
- reference / The inventory file
- ios_command module
- reference / Provider arguments
- IP address
- obtaining, for specific interface on machine / Finding the IP address for a specific interface on your machine
- customizing, of packet / Customizing the IP address of a packet, How it works...
- IP Address Management (IPAM)
- accessing / Access of IP Address Management (IPAM)
- performing, with connected sockets (socketpair) / Performing a basic IPC using connected sockets (socketpair), How it works...
- performing, with Unix domain sockets (UDS) / Performing IPC using Unix domain sockets, How it works...
- IPv6 address
- IPv6 prefix, extracting / Extracting an IPv6 prefix from an IPv6 address, How it works...
- IPv6 echo client/server
- writing / Writing an IPv6 echo client/server, How to do it..., How it works...
- IPv6 socket support
- Python, determining for / Finding out if your Python supports IPv6 sockets, How to do it..., How it works...
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) / Representational State Transfer (REST) framework
- Jinja2
- templates / Templates with Jinja2
- reference / Templates with Jinja2
- about / Templates with Jinja2
- loops / Jinja2 loops
- conditional statement / The Jinja2 conditional
- Jinja2 template
- reference / Templates
- about / The Jinja2 template
- JSON-RPC / Arista eAPI management
- jsonrpclib
- reference / The eAPI preparation
- Juniper Contrail Server Manager
- configuring / Configuring Juniper Contrail Server Manager, How it works...
- URL / Configuring Juniper Contrail Server Manager
- Juniper networks
- Python API / The Python API for Juniper networks
- Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) / Juniper and NETCONF
- PyEZ / Juniper PyEZ for developers
- Juniper Networks
- URL / Configuring Juniper Contrail Server Manager
- Juniper Olive / Device preparation
- Juniper vMX
- reference / GNS3
- Jupyter Notebook
- URL / How it works...
- Kafka Manager
- URL / How it works...
- large data center / The Arista Python API
- LDAP bind
- creating / Making LDAP bind
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
- server, connecting / Connecting to an LDAP server
- server, connecting to / Connecting to an LDAP server
- reading / Reading and writing LDAP
- writing / Reading and writing LDAP
- Linux Foundation
- URL / Introduction
- local port
- forwarding, to remote host / Forwarding a local port to a remote host, How it works...
- local XML-RPC server
- querying / Querying a local XML-RPC server, How it works...
- loop
- about / Loops, Conditions and loops, Loops
- for next loop / For next loop
- while loop / While loop
- loops, Ansible
- about / Ansible loops
- standard loops / Standard loops
- over dictionaries / Looping over dictionaries
- reference / Looping over dictionaries
- Maxinet
- URL / Emulating networks with Mininet
- distributed network, emulation / Distributed network emulation with MaxiNet, How it works...
- Mininet
- networks, emulating / Emulating networks with Mininet
- URL / Emulating networks with Mininet
- extending, to emulate containers / Extending Mininet to emulate containers, How it works...
- Mininet-WiFi
- wireless networks, emulating / Emulating wireless networks with Mininet-WiFi, How it works...
- URL / How to do it...
- mobile ad hoc network (MANET) / How to do it...
- modules, Ansible
- reference / The inventory file
- Mozilla Firefox
- spoofing, in client code / Spoofing Mozilla Firefox in your client code, How it works...
- Multi-threaded Routing Toolkit (MRT) / Parsing BMP messages with
- Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) / The Python API for Juniper networks
- MySQL command
- executing remotely / Running a MySQL command remotely, How it works...
- reference / Vendor-neutral libraries
- NAT Gateway
- about / AWS network overview, NAT Gateway
- using / NAT Gateway
- ncclient library
- about / Lab software installation and device preparation
- reference / Lab software installation and device preparation
- neighbor devices / Controller-based network fabric
- nested conditions / Indentation
- Netmiko
- used, for SSH / Using Netmiko for SSH and network device interaction
- reference link / Using Netmiko for SSH and network device interaction
- reference / Paramiko overview, Vendor-neutral libraries
- network automation
- about / Network automation
- use case / Network automation use case
- tools / Network automation tools
- Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)
- about / Juniper and NETCONF
- characteristics / Juniper and NETCONF
- reference / Juniper and NETCONF
- device preparation / Device preparation
- examples / Juniper NETCONF examples
- network device interaction / Using Netmiko for SSH and network device interaction
- network fabric / Controller-based network fabric
- Network Function Virtualization (NFV) / Introduction, Building VNFs with OPNFV
- Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure (NFVI) / Building VNFs with OPNFV
- networking modules, Ansible
- about / Ansible networking modules
- facts / Local connections and facts
- local connections / Local connections and facts
- provider arguments / Provider arguments
- network module conditional / Network module conditional
- network modules
- reference / Network vendor support
- networks
- inactive machines, detecting / Detecting inactive machines on your network
- simulating, with ns-3 / Simulating networks with ns-3, How it works...
- emulating, with Mininet / Emulating networks with Mininet
- network scaling services
- about / Network scaling services
- Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) / Elastic Load Balancing
- Route53 DNS service / Route53 DNS service
- CloudFront CDN services / CloudFront CDN services
- Network Time Protocol (NTP)
- references / Querying NTP servers, How to do it...
- servers, querying / Querying NTP servers
- Nexus API (NX-API) / Programmable network devices
- Nmap
- about / Getting ready
- URL / Getting ready
- ns-3
- networks, simulating / Simulating networks with ns-3, How it works...
- URL / Getting ready
- NSX API Guide
- URL / How it works...
- NSX for vSphere API Guide
- URL / How it works...
- NSX Manager
- URL / Getting ready
- nxso_snmp_contact module
- reference / Variables
- OpenBMP
- URL / Parsing BMP messages with
- OpenContrail
- about / Introduction
- URL / Configuring OpenContrail controller, Getting ready
- OpenContrail cluster
- configuring / Configuring OpenContrail cluster
- OpenContrail controller
- configuring / Configuring OpenContrail controller
- OpenContrail core project
- URL / Configuring OpenContrail controller
- OpenFlow / OpenFlow
- Open Network Foundation (ONF) / OpenFlow
- Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV)
- VNFs, building / Building VNFs with OPNFV, How it works...
- references / Building VNFs with OPNFV, Getting ready
- OpenSSL
- HTTPS server code , writing / Writing a simple HTTPS server code with Python and OpenSSL
- OpenTSDB
- URL / How to do it...
- packages / Python modules and packages
- packet capture (pcap) format
- packets, saving with pcap dumper / Saving packets in the pcap format using the pcap dumper, How it works...
- URL / Saving packets in the pcap format using the pcap dumper
- packets
- sniffing, on network / Sniffing packets on your network, How it works...
- saving, in pcap format with pcap dumper / Saving packets in the pcap format using the pcap dumper, How it works...
- IP address, customizing / Customizing the IP address of a packet, How it works...
- broadcast, scanning / Scanning the broadcast of packets, How it works...
- processing, with DPDK / Packet processing with DPDK, How it works...
- parallel processing
- multithreading / Multithreading for parallel processing
- Paramiko
- URL / Getting ready, Getting ready
- Paramiko library
- about / The Python Paramiko library
- installation / Installation of Paramiko
- reference / Installation of Paramiko, NX-API examples
- overview / Paramiko overview
- program / Our first Paramiko program
- features / More Paramiko features
- for servers / Paramiko for servers
- implementing / Putting things together for Paramiko
- drawbacks / Downsides of Pexpect and Paramiko compared to other tools
- Pexpect library
- about / Python Pexpect library
- reference / Python Pexpect library, More Pexpect features
- installation / Pexpect installation
- overview / Pexpect overview
- program / Our first Pexpect program
- features / More Pexpect features, Putting things together for Pexpect
- SSH / Pexpect and SSH
- implementing / Putting things together for Pexpect
- drawbacks / Downsides of Pexpect and Paramiko compared to other tools
- ping module
- reference / The inventory file
- references / How it works...
- about / Creating PNDA clusters
- URL / Creating PNDA clusters
- clusters, creating / Creating PNDA clusters, How to do it...
- Pointer records (PTR) / How it works...
- port address translation (PAT) / NAT Gateway
- ports
- scanning, of remote host / Scanning the ports of a remote host, How it works...
- Power on Auto Provisioning (PoAP) / Programmable network devices
- PowerShell
- about / Language choices (Python/PowerShell)
- program / Writing your first program
- PowerShell IDE / PowerShell IDE
- program concepts
- about / Program concepts
- variables / Variables
- data types / Data types
- decision maker / Decision makers
- loop / Loops
- arrays / Arrays
- functions / Functions
- best practices / Best practices
- readability / Readability of a program
- support information / Support information
- indentation / Indentation
- best practice, example / Sample best practice example
- programmable network devices / Programmable network devices
- programmable networks (PNs) / Programmable network devices
- proxy server
- web requests, sending / Sending web requests through a proxy server
- pyeapi library
- reference link / Programmable network devices
- PyEZ
- about / Juniper PyEZ for developers
- reference / Juniper PyEZ for developers, Installation and preparation
- preparation / Installation and preparation
- installation / Installation and preparation
- examples / PyEZ examples
- PyGitHub
- reference / PyGitHub
- URL / Interacting with devices running Cisco IOS XR
- pylibcap library
- URL / Getting ready
- pynsxv
- URL / Configuring VMware NSX for vSphere 6.3.2
- Python
- about / Language choices (Python/PowerShell)
- program / Writing your first program
- URL / Python interpreter and data types, How it works...
- data type / Python interpreter and data types
- determining, for IPv6 socket support / Finding out if your Python supports IPv6 sockets, How to do it..., How it works...
- HTTPS server code, writing / Writing a simple HTTPS server code with Python and OpenSSL
- python-ldap3
- URL / Getting ready
- Python 3
- URL / How it works...
- Python API
- for Juniper networks / The Python API for Juniper networks
- Python IDE / Python IDE
- Python interpreter / Python interpreter and data types
- Python modules / Python modules and packages
- Python package
- installing remotely / Installing a Python package remotely, How it works...
- Python Package Index (PyPI)
- URL / Getting ready
- Python scripts
- writing / Writing Python scripts
- Python SDK / AWS CLI and Python SDK
- Red PNDA
- configuring / Configuring Red PNDA, How it works...
- URL / Configuring Red PNDA
- regular expressions
- reference / Pexpect overview
- remote host
- local port, forwarding / Forwarding a local port to a remote host, How it works...
- ports, scanning / Scanning the ports of a remote host, How it works...
- remote machine
- file, copying by SFTP / Copying a file to a remote machine by SFTP, How it works...
- CPU information, printing / Printing a remote machine's CPU information, How it works...
- files, transferring over SSH / Transferring files to a remote machine over SSH, How it works...
- remote network service
- waiting for / Waiting for a remote network service, How to do it..., How it works...
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC) / Arista eAPI management
- remote shell command
- executing, with telnet / Executing a remote shell command using telnet, How it works...
- Representational State Transfer (REST)
- about / Introduction
- used, for collecting photo information / Collecting some photo information from Flickr using REST, How it works...
- Representational State Transfer (REST) framework / Representational State Transfer (REST) framework
- Requests
- reference / NX-API examples
- requests module
- about / Getting ready
- URL / Getting ready
- RequestsThrottler
- used, for throttling requests / Throttling requests with RequestsThrottler
- authenticating, with Eve / Authenticating REST APIs with Eve
- RESTful web applications
- creating, with Flask / Creating RESTful web applications with Flask, How it works...
- roles, Ansible
- about / Ansible roles
- reference / Ansible roles
- routing table / BGP and routing table
- S3 bucket
- URL / Getting ready
- sandbox user guide
- URL / Getting ready
- Scapy library
- reference / Getting ready
- screen scraping
- versus API structured output / Screen scraping versus API structured output
- drawbacks / Screen scraping versus API structured output
- URL / How it works...
- Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
- file, copying to remote machine / Copying a file to a remote machine by SFTP, How it works...
- Service-Level Agreement (SLA) / Direct Connect
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) / Network automation
- Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) / Introduction
- BMP messages, parsing / Parsing BMP messages with, How it works...
- sniffing, packets
- on network / Sniffing packets on your network, How it works...
- SOAP methods
- searching, from Amazon S3 web service / Searching for SOAP methods from an Amazon S3 web service, How it works...
- software-defined networking / Software-defined networking
- Software-Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WANs) / Configuring Juniper Contrail Server Manager
- Software in the Loop (SITL) / Getting ready
- Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) / Controller-based network fabric
- Splunk
- interaction / Interaction with Splunk
- about / Interaction with Splunk
- Pexpect library / Pexpect and SSH
- files, transferring to remote machine over SSH / Transferring files to a remote machine over SSH, How it works...
- Start of Authority (SOA) / Finding DNS resource records
- Streaming Network Analytics System (SNAS) / Parsing BMP messages with
- Swiss knife / Introduction
- switch case / Decision makers
- technology domain
- automation, example / Automation examples on various technology domains
- BGP / BGP and routing table
- routing table / BGP and routing table
- Cisco switchport, configuring for access point / Configuring Cisco switchport for access point
- Cisco switchport, configuring for IP Phone / Configuring Cisco switchport for IP Phone
- Wireless LAN (WLAN) / Wireless LAN (WLAN)
- IP Address Management (IPAM), accessing / Access of IP Address Management (IPAM)
- telnet
- used, for executing remote shell command / Executing a remote shell command using telnet, How it works...
- template module
- reference / Templates
- templates
- with Jinja2 / Templates with Jinja2
- about / Templates
- Jinja2 template / The Jinja2 template
- throttle
- URL / How it works...
- Tornado
- used, for building asynchronous network applications / Building asynchronous network applications with Tornado, How it works...
- Tornado Future
- used, for building concurrent applications / Building concurrent applications with Tornado Future
- URL / Building concurrent applications with Tornado Future
- traffic
- replaying, from saved pcap file / Replaying traffic by reading from a saved pcap file, How it works...
- transaction signature (TSIG) / Finding DNS resource records
- Twisted
- used, for building asynchronous network applications / Building asynchronous network applications with Twisted, How it works...
- URL / Getting ready
- Unix domain sockets (UDS)
- used, for performing IPC / Performing IPC using Unix domain sockets, How it works...
- use case / Example and use case
- variables / Variables
- variables, Ansible
- about / Variables
- reference / Variables
- vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) / How to do it...
- vendor-neutral libraries / Vendor-neutral libraries
- VIRL on Packet
- reference / Cisco VIRL
- virlutils
- reference / Cisco VIRL
- Virtual Internet Routing Lab (VIRL)
- reference / Constructing a virtual lab
- virtual lab
- constructing / Constructing a virtual lab
- advantages / Constructing a virtual lab
- disadvantages / Constructing a virtual lab
- Cisco VIRL / Cisco VIRL
- Cisco DevNet / Cisco DevNet and dCloud
- dCloud / Cisco DevNet and dCloud
- GNS3 / GNS3
- Virtual Network Functions (VNFs)
- about / Building VNFs with OPNFV
- building, with OPNFV / Building VNFs with OPNFV, How it works...
- virtual private cloud
- about / Virtual private cloud
- creating / Virtual private cloud
- route tables / Route tables and route targets
- route targets / Route tables and route targets
- automation, with CloudFormation / Automation with CloudFormation
- security groups / Security groups and the network ACL
- network ACL / Security groups and the network ACL
- Elastic IP (EIP) / Elastic IP
- NAT Gateway / NAT Gateway
- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) / AWS network overview
- virtual private clouds
- automation, with CloudFormation / Automation with CloudFormation
- Virtual Private Gateway / VPN Gateway
- virtual private network (VPN) / How it works...
- VMware NSX
- configuring, for vSphere 6.3.2 / Configuring VMware NSX for vSphere 6.3.2
- URL / Configuring VMware NSX for vSphere 6.3.2
- VPC peering
- reference / Automation with CloudFormation
- VPN Gateway / Direct Connect and VPN, VPN Gateway
- vSphere 6.3.2
- VMware NSX, configuring / Configuring VMware NSX for vSphere 6.3.2
- vSRX
- reference / GNS3
- web-based post check tool
- creating, for validations / Create a web-based pre and post check tool for validations, Step 1 – Create the main HTML file, Step 2 – Create the backend Python code, Step 3 – Create web server based files for the tool, Step 4 – Create server based files for pre and post files comparison
- web-based pre check tool
- creating, for validations / Create a web-based pre and post check tool for validations, Step 1 – Create the main HTML file, Step 2 – Create the backend Python code, Step 3 – Create web server based files for the tool, Step 4 – Create server based files for pre and post files comparison
- web forms
- submitting / Submitting web forms, How it works...
- web page
- existence, checking with HEAD request / Checking whether a web page exists with the HEAD request, How it works...
- web requests
- sending, through proxy server / Sending web requests through a proxy server
- bandwidth, saving with HTTP compression / Saving bandwidth in web requests with the HTTP compression, How it works...
- when clause / The when clause
- while loop / While loop
- Wireless LAN (WLAN) / Wireless LAN (WLAN)
- wireless networks
- emulating, with Mininet-WiFi / Emulating wireless networks with Mininet-WiFi, How it works...
- drones, controlling / Controlling drones with a wireless network, How it works...
- XML-RPC server
- multithreaded, writing / Writing a multithreaded, multicall XML-RPC server, How it works...
- multicall, writing / Writing a multithreaded, multicall XML-RPC server, How it works...
- executing, with basic HTTP authentication / Running an XML-RPC server with a basic HTTP authentication, How it works...
- XML Remote Procedure Call (XML-RPC) / Introduction
- reference / Our first playbook
- about / YAML
- YANG models
- and Cisco API / The Cisco and YANG models
- reference / The Cisco and YANG models
- Yet Another Next Generation (YANG) / Data modeling for infrastructure as code