Registering the Reviews Model
Let's say that Carol is tasked with improving the Reviews section in Bookr; that is, only the most relevant and comprehensive reviews should be shown, and duplicate or spammy entries should be removed. For this, she will need access to the reviews
model. As we have seen above with our investigation of groups and users, the admin app already contains admin pages for the models from the authentication and authorization app, but it does not yet reference the models in our Reviews app.
To make the admin app aware of the models, we need to explicitly register them with the admin app. Fortunately, we don't need to modify the admin app's code to do so as we can instead import the admin app into our project and use its API to register our models. This has already been done in the authentication and authorization app, so let's try it with our Reviews app. Our aim is to be able to use the admin app to edit the data in our reviews