Visiting the software team
Gloria greets everyone present as they prepare to meet the software team:

Gloria: Good morning, all. I have a small surprise for you. I’d like to invite you for some pastries, those ones you seem to love. But this time, it will be in a different room, as I’m going to introduce you to our software team.

Charles: Who is attending? I mean, I’d like to…. (Whispers) Yum… those pastries…

Harold: I already know most of the software team, but I’d also like to participate. Maybe we can share our recent knowledge of the cloud and also learn from what they’re doing. We can start a more DevOps-like approach…

Alex: I like DevOps but prefer Pastry-Ops…

Gloria: I’m beginning to know all of you better, especially about your serious pastry addiction. Yes, all of you...