- Abstract Factory pattern
- benefits / Abstract factory design pattern
- applying, common problems / Common problems where you should apply the Abstract factory design pattern
- implementing, in Spring Framework / Implementing the Abstract factory design pattern in the Spring Framework
- sample implementation / Sample implementation of the Abstract Factory design pattern, Sample implementation of FactoryBean interface
- used, for resolving dependency / Resolving disambiguation in Autowiring DI pattern
- implementing, in Spring (FactoryBean interface) / Implementing the Abstract Factory Pattern in Spring (FactoryBean interface)
- implementing, in Spring / Implementation of FactoryBean interface in Spring
- AB testing strategies / Automation in microservices environment
- Accordance / Monitoring microservice dependency
- accountCache / The @Cacheable annotation
- AccountServiceImpl class / Enabling caching via the Proxy pattern
- ACID / Microservices with polyglot architecture
- active object pattern
- about / Active object pattern
- proxy / Active object pattern
- servant / Active object pattern
- activation list / Active object pattern
- Actuator / Monitoring tools
- advice
- about / Advice
- before / Advice, Advice type - Before
- after / Advice, Advice Types: After
- after-returning / Advice
- after-throwing / Advice
- around / Advice, Advice Types - Around
- implementing / Implementing Advice
- before, example / Before Advice example
- after returning / Advice Types: After Returning
- after returning, example / After Returning Advice example
- after throwing / Advice Types: After Throwing
- after throwing, example / After Throwing Advice example
- after, example / After Advice example
- around, example / Around Advice example
- advised method / Advice
- after advice / How Spring AOP works
- agents / CoreOS Fleet
- Aggregate Hystrix streams
- with Turbine / Aggregate Hystrix streams with Turbine
- Airbnb
- about / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- URL / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Alpine / Benefits of containers
- Amazon
- about / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- URL / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Amazon EC2 Container Services (ECS) / CoreOS Fleet
- AMQP / What are Microservices?
- Annotation
- used, for enabling caching proxy / Enabling the caching proxy using Annotation
- annotation-based configuration
- using, with dependency injection pattern / Dependency injection pattern with Annotation-based configuration
- antifragility / Antifragility, fail fast, and self healing
- AOP proxies / Understanding AOP proxies
- Apache Camel / Service-oriented application
- Apex / Serverless computing
- AppConfig.javaconfiguration class
- creating / Creating a Java configuration class -
- Spring beans, declaring into configuration class / Declaring Spring beans into configuration class
- Spring beans, injecting / Injecting Spring beans
- dependency injection pattern configuration, approach / Best approach to configure the dependency injection pattern with Java
- AppDynamics / Monitoring tools, Monitoring microservice dependency
- application development
- simplifying, with Spring / Simplifying application development using Spring and its pattern
- POJO pattern, using / Using the power of the POJO pattern
- dependencies between POJOs, injecting / Injecting dependencies between POJOs
- DI pattern, used for dependent components / Using DI pattern for dependent components
- aspects, applying for cross-cutting concerns / Applying aspects for cross cutting concerns
- Application Performance Monitoring (APM) / Monitoring challenges
- application requirements / Understanding application requirement over the years
- approaches, for monitoring microservices
- Application Performance Monitoring (APM) / Monitoring challenges
- synthetic monitoring / Monitoring challenges
- Real user monitoring (RUM) / Monitoring challenges
- Archiva / Bundle dependencies
- aspect
- about / Aspect, Creating aspects
- defining, Annotation used / Define aspects using Annotation
- defining, XML configuration used / Define aspects using XML configuration
- Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
- about / Introducing Spring Framework, Applying aspects for cross cutting concerns, What is Aspect-Oriented Programming?
- resolved problems / Problems resolved by AOP
- terminology and concepts / Core AOP terminology and concepts
- Aurora / Apache Mesos
- autoscaling
- about / Understanding autoscaling
- with resource constraints / Understanding autoscaling
- in specific time periods / Understanding autoscaling
- based on message queue length / Understanding autoscaling
- based on business parameters / Understanding autoscaling
- predictive autoscaling / Understanding autoscaling
- autowiring
- about / What are Stereotype annotations?
- beans, annotating / Annotating beans for autowiring
- @Autowired, using with setter method / Using @Autowired with setter method
- @Autowired, using with fields / Using @Autowired with the fields
- Autowiring DI pattern
- and disambiguation / The Autowiring DI pattern and disambiguation
- disambiguation, resolving / Resolving disambiguation in Autowiring DI pattern
- Avro / What are Microservices?
- Docker, installing / Installing Docker on AWS EC2
- AWS Lambda / Serverless computing
- Azure Container Services (ACS) / CoreOS Fleet
- Azure Functions / Serverless computing
- Azure service fabric
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- back-pressure mechanism / Back-pressure
- Backend as a Service (BaaS) / Microservice use cases
- before advice / How Spring AOP works
- benefits, containers
- self contained / Benefits of containers
- lightweight / Benefits of containers
- scalability / Benefits of containers
- portability / Benefits of containers
- license cost / Benefits of containers
- DevOps / Benefits of containers
- version controlled / Benefits of containers
- reusable / Benefits of containers
- immutable containers / Benefits of containers
- benefits, microservices
- polyglot architecture, supporting / Supports polyglot architecture
- experimentation, enabling / Enables experimentation and innovation
- innovation, enabling / Enables experimentation and innovation
- elastic scalability / Elastically and selectively scalable
- selective scalability / Elastically and selectively scalable
- substitution, allowing / Allows substitution
- organic systems build, enabling / Enables to build organic systems
- technology debt, managing / Helps managing technology debt
- versions co-existence, allowing / Allowing co-existence of different versions
- self-organizing systems, building / Supporting building self-organizing systems
- event-driven architecture, supporting / Supporting event-driven architecture
- DevOps, enabling / Enables DevOps
- best practices
- for configuring, DI pattern / Best practices for configuring the DI pattern
- for JDBC / Best practices for Jdbc and configuring JdbcTemplate
- bill-of-materials (BOM) / Developing our first Spring Boot microservice
- blocking calls / Blocking calls
- Booking / Allows substitution
- Booking Service / An example of a travel agent portal
- Boot2Docker / Introduction to Docker
- bootfs / The Docker image
- breed integration
- about / Best of the breed integration
- log shippers / Log shippers
- log stream processors / Log stream processors
- log storage / Log storage
- dashboards / Dashboards
- BrightWork / Serverless computing
- BrownField microservices
- executing, on EC2 / Running BrownField services on EC2
- Mesos, implementing / Implementing Mesos and Marathon for BrownField microservices
- Marathon, implementing / Implementing Mesos and Marathon for BrownField microservices
- BrownField PSS
- architecture, summarizing / Summarising the BrownField PSS architecture
- challenges / Understanding gaps in the BrownField PSS microservices
- BrownField PSS services
- preparing / Preparing BrownField PSS services
- deploying / Deploying BrownField PSS services
- Builder design pattern
- about / Builder design pattern, Common problems where you should apply Builder pattern
- benefits / Benefits of the Builder pattern:
- UML class structure / UML class structure
- implementing, in Spring Framework / Implementing the Builder pattern in the Spring Framework
- applying, to common issues / Sample implementation of the Builder design pattern
- implementation, for creating embedded data source / Implementing the Builder pattern to create an embedded data source
- Business Layer / What are Microservices?
- @CachePut annotation
- cache key, customizing / Customizing the cache key
- conditional caching / Conditional caching
- cache
- about / What is cache?
- enabling, via Proxy pattern / Enabling caching via the Proxy pattern
- cache abstraction
- about / Understanding cache abstraction
- caching declaration / Understanding cache abstraction
- cache configuration / Understanding cache abstraction
- cache storage configuration
- about / Configuring the cache storage
- CacheManager, setting up / Setting up the CacheManager
- caching
- using / Where do we use caching?
- best practices, in web application / Top caching best practices to be used in a web application
- caching proxy
- enabling, Annotation used / Enabling the caching proxy using Annotation
- enabling, XML namespace used / Enabling the Caching Proxy using the XML namespace
- Calico / What are containers?
- Cassandra / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- Catchpoint / Monitoring tools
- centralized logging solution
- about / Centralized logging solution
- components / Centralized logging solution
- cgroups / The Docker container, Mesos in details
- Chalice for Python / Serverless computing
- characteristics, microservices
- services / Services are first class citizens
- lightweight / Microservices are lightweight
- polyglot architecture / Microservices with polyglot architecture
- environment, automation / Automation in microservices environment
- supporting ecosystem / Microservices with a supporting ecosystem
- distributed / Microservices are distributed and dynamic
- dynamic / Microservices are distributed and dynamic
- antifragility / Antifragility, fail fast, and self healing
- fail fast / Antifragility, fail fast, and self healing
- self healing / Antifragility, fail fast, and self healing
- characteristics, services
- service contract / Characteristics of service in a microservice
- loose coupling / Characteristics of service in a microservice
- service abstraction / Characteristics of service in a microservice
- reuse / Characteristics of service in a microservice
- statelessness / Characteristics of service in a microservice
- discoverable / Characteristics of service in a microservice
- interoperable / Characteristics of service in a microservice
- composeability / Characteristics of service in a microservice
- Circonus / Monitoring tools
- Circuit Breaker
- URL / Spring Cloud Hystrix for fault-tolerant microservices
- about / Spring Cloud Hystrix for fault-tolerant microservices
- Cloud
- about / DevOps, Cloud, and Containers
- as self-service infrastructure, for microservices / Cloud and Containers as the self-service infrastructure for microservices
- microservices, deploying on / Microservices on Cloud
- Cloud Foundry Diego / CoreOS Fleet
- Cloud Monitoring / Monitoring tools
- CloudTrail / Cloud services
- CloudWatch / Monitoring tools
- code scattering / Applying aspects for cross cutting concerns
- code tangling / Applying aspects for cross cutting concerns
- collectd / Monitoring tools
- Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) / Microservice use cases
- components, centralized logging solution
- log streams / Centralized logging solution
- log shippers / Centralized logging solution
- log store / Centralized logging solution
- log stream processor / Centralized logging solution
- log dashboard / Centralized logging solution
- component scanning
- about / What are Stereotype annotations?
- used, for searching beans / Searching beans using component scanning
- concurrency module
- best practices / Best practices for concurrency module
- Config Client / Spring Cloud Config
- Config Server
- about / Spring Cloud Config
- microservices, building / Building microservices with Config Server
- setting up / Setting up the Config Server
- accessing, from clients / Accessing the Config Server from clients
- high availability, setting up / Setting up high availability for the Config Server
- health, monitoring / Monitoring Config Server health
- constructor based dependency injection
- advantages / Constructor-based dependency injection pattern
- disadvantages / Constructor-based dependency injection pattern
- example / Constructor-based dependency injection pattern
- versus setter-based dependency injection / Setter-based dependency injection
- containerization
- future / Future of containerization
- container orchestration
- about / Container orchestration
- importance / Why is container orchestration is important
- actions / What does container orchestration do?
- relationship, with microservices / Relationship with microservices
- relationship, with virtualization / Relationship with virtualization
- solutions / Container orchestration solutions
- Mesos, using / Container orchestration with Mesos and Marathon
- Marathon, using / Container orchestration with Mesos and Marathon
- container orchestration solutions
- Docker Swarm / Docker Swarm
- Kubernetes (k8s) / Kubernetes
- Apache Mesos / Apache Mesos
- HashiCorp Nomad / HashiCorp Nomad
- CoreOS Fleet / CoreOS Fleet
- containers
- about / DevOps, Cloud, and Containers, What are containers?
- as self-service infrastructure, for microservices / Cloud and Containers as the self-service infrastructure for microservices
- versus Virtual Machine (VM) / Difference between VM and containers
- benefits / Benefits of containers
- and microservices, relationship between / Microservices and containers
- Container technologies / Microservices are autonomous
- Content Management System (CMS) / An example of a travel agent portal
- continuous integration (CI) / Automation in microservices environment
- Conway's law
- about / Microservice use cases
- URL / Microservice use cases
- core design patterns
- creational design pattern / Common GoF Design Pattern overview
- structural design pattern / Common GoF Design Pattern overview
- Behavioral design patterns / Common GoF Design Pattern overview
- Core Legacy System / Business demand as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- CouchDB / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- creational design pattern
- about / Creational design patterns
- factory design pattern / Factory design pattern
- Abstract Factory pattern / Abstract factory design pattern
- cross-cutting concerns
- template pattern, applying to eliminate boilerplate code / Applying the template pattern to eliminate boilerplate code
- about / What are cross-cutting concerns?, What is Aspect-Oriented Programming?
- Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- enabling, for microservices interactions / Enabling cross origin for microservices interactions
- about / Enabling cross origin for microservices interactions
- Cucumber / Automation in microservices environment
- custom caching annotations
- creating / Creating custom caching annotations
- Customer Notification Service / Putting it all together - Developing a customer registration microservice example
- Customer Profile Service / Putting it all together - Developing a customer registration microservice example
- customer registration microservice example
- developing / Putting it all together - Developing a customer registration microservice example
- custom health module
- adding / Adding a custom health module
- custom metrics
- building / Building custom metrics
- Dalston SR1 / Spring Cloud releases
- Dapper / Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth
- data-access
- designing, approaches / The best approach to designing your data-access
- data access object (DAO) pattern
- about / The best approach to designing your data-access
- used, for abstracting database access / Abstracting database access using the DAO pattern
- using, with Spring Framework / The DAO pattern with the Spring Framework
- Data analysis
- Data Lake, using / Data analysis using Data Lake
- Database Layer / What are Microservices?
- Data Centre Operating System (DCOS)
- about / Mesos in details
- used, for implementing Marathon / Implementing Mesos and Marathon with DCOS
- used, for implementing Mesos / Implementing Mesos and Marathon with DCOS
- reference / Implementing Mesos and Marathon with DCOS
- differentiating, with Spring Cloud approach / Implementing Mesos and Marathon with DCOS
- Datadog / Monitoring tools
- Dataloop / Monitoring tools
- data source
- configuring / Configuring the data source and object pool pattern
- configuring, JDBC driver used / Configuring a data source using a JDBC driver
- configuring, pool connections used / Configuring the data source using pool connections
- Declarative Annotation-based caching
- about / Declarative Annotation-based caching
- @Cacheable annotation / The @Cacheable annotation
- @CachePut annotation / The @CachePut annotation
- @CacheEvict annotation / The @CacheEvict annotation
- @Caching annotation / The @Caching annotation
- @CacheConfig annotation / The @CacheConfig annotation
- Declarative XML-based caching / Declarative XML-based caching
- Decorator design pattern
- used, for proxying classes / Proxying classes using Decorator pattern in Spring
- dependency injection (DI) pattern
- about / Introducing Spring Framework, Simplifying application development using Spring and its pattern, The dependency injection pattern
- working / How DI works and makes things easy for development and testing
- factory helper pattern, using / Using factory helper pattern for dependent components
- used, for dependent components / Using DI pattern for dependent components
- used, for solving issues / Solving problems using the dependencies injection pattern
- avoiding / Without dependency injection
- using / With dependency injection pattern
- types / Types of dependency injection patterns
- constructor-based / Constructor-based dependency injection pattern
- setter-based / Setter-based dependency injection
- configuring, with Spring / Configuring the dependency injection pattern with Spring
- Java-based configuration, using with / Dependency injection pattern with Java-based configuration
- XML-based configuration, using / Dependency injection pattern with XML-based configuration
- annotation-based configuration, using / Dependency injection pattern with Annotation-based configuration
- Stereotype annotations / What are Stereotype annotations?
- configuring, best practices / Best practices for configuring the DI pattern
- dependency injector / With dependency injection pattern
- design patterns
- about / Simplifying application development using Spring and its pattern, Introducing the power of design patterns
- characteristics / Introducing the power of design patterns
- development environment
- setting up / Setting up a development environment
- Device42 / Monitoring microservice dependency
- DevOps
- URL / What are Microservices?
- about / DevOps, Cloud, and Containers
- practice, for microservices / DevOps as the practice and process for microservices
- process, for microservices / DevOps as the practice and process for microservices
- Digital Performance Monitoring (DPM) / Monitoring challenges
- discovery
- with Eureka / Eureka for registration and discovery
- Docker
- about / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution, Isolation between build, release, and run, Introduction to Docker, The missing pieces
- key components / Key components of Docker
- microservices, deploying / Deploying microservices into Docker
- URL / Deploying microservices into Docker
- RabbitMQ, executing / Running RabbitMQ on Docker
- installing, on AWS EC2 / Installing Docker on AWS EC2
- Docker Hub
- URL / The Docker registry, Setting up the Docker Hub
- setting up / Setting up the Docker Hub
- microservices, publishing / Publish microservices to the Docker Hub
- Dockerization / Introduction to Docker
- Docker registry
- using / Using the Docker registry
- Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) / The Docker registry
- Drawbridge / What are containers?
- Dynatrace / Monitoring tools, Monitoring microservice dependency
- eBay
- URL / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- about / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- EC2
- BrownField microservices, executing / Running BrownField services on EC2
- EC2 Container Service (ECS) / Introduction to Docker
- Eclipse / Setting up a development environment
- Ehcache-based cache
- about / Ehcache-based cache
- XML-based configuration / XML-based configuration
- elastic / Reactive microservices
- Elastic Search / Microservices with polyglot architecture
- Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (ELK) / Custom logging implementation, Monitoring tools
- embedded data source
- creating, by implementing Builder pattern / Implementing the Builder pattern to create an embedded data source
- engine / CoreOS Fleet
- enterprise applications
- service layer / The best approach to designing your data-access
- data access layer / The best approach to designing your data-access
- infrastructure layer / The best approach to designing your data-access
- Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) / Service-oriented integration
- Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
- about / Microservices are distributed and dynamic, Service-oriented integration
- Erlang / Microservices with polyglot architecture
- Eureka
- used, for registration / Eureka for registration and discovery
- used, for discovery / Eureka for registration and discovery
- dynamic service registration / Understanding dynamic service registration and discovery
- discovery / Understanding dynamic service registration and discovery
- about / Understanding Eureka
- Eureka Server, setting up / Setting up the Eureka Server
- high availability / High availability for Eureka
- Eureka Client / Understanding Eureka
- Eureka Server / Understanding Eureka, Zuul proxy as the API Gateway
- examples, microservices
- holiday portal / An example of a holiday portal
- travel agent portal / An example of a travel agent portal
- Executor / Mesos architecture
- Fabric8
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- factory design pattern
- benefits / Factory design pattern
- issues / Factory design pattern
- implementing, in Spring Framework / Implementing the Factory design pattern in Spring Framework
- sample implementation / Sample implementation of the Factory design pattern
- Fail Fast / Antifragility, fail fast, and self healing
- Fake SMTP server
- URL / Putting it all together - Developing a customer registration microservice example
- Fares / Allows substitution
- Fenzo / Apache Mesos
- Fleet / CoreOS Fleet
- Fluentd / Log shippers
- Flume / Log stream processors, Data analysis using Data Lake
- Flux / Reactive microservices using Spring WebFlux, Processor
- Flux type / The Annotation-based programming model
- followers / HashiCorp Nomad
- frameworks, microservice
- Lagom / Microservice frameworks
- WSO2 Microservices For Java - MSF4J / Microservice frameworks
- Spark / Microservice frameworks
- Seneca / Microservice frameworks
- Vert.x / Microservice frameworks
- Restlet / Microservice frameworks
- Payra-micro / Microservice frameworks
- Jooby / Microservice frameworks
- Go-fasthttp / Microservice frameworks
- JavaLite / Microservice frameworks
- Fabric8 / Microservice frameworks
- / Microservice frameworks
- Vamp / Microservice frameworks
- Go Kit / Microservice frameworks
- Micro / Microservice frameworks
- Lumen / Microservice frameworks
- Restx / Microservice frameworks
- Gizmo / Microservice frameworks
- Azure service fabric / Microservice frameworks
- Functions as a Service (FaaS) / Serverless computing
- Gang of Four (GOF) pattern
- overview / Common GoF Design Pattern overview
- gateway / The Docker container
- Gilt
- about / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- URL / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Gizmo
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- Go-fasthttp
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- about / Microservice frameworks
- Go Kit
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- Google Cloud Functions / Serverless computing
- Google Cloud Logging / Cloud services
- Google Container Engine / CoreOS Fleet
- Gordon / Serverless computing
- Gradle / Bundle dependencies, Setting up a development environment
- Grafana / Dashboards
- Graphite / Dashboards, Monitoring tools
- graylog / Externalizing logs, Off-the-shelf solutions
- Guest OS / Difference between VM and containers
- Hadoop / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) / Supports polyglot architecture, Lambda architecture
- Half-Sync/Half-Async patterns
- about / Half-Sync/Half-Async patterns
- Synchronous Task Layer / Half-Sync/Half-Async patterns
- Queuing Layer / Half-Sync/Half-Async patterns
- Asynchronous Task Layer / Half-Sync/Half-Async patterns
- HATEOAS-enabled Spring Boot microservice / HATEOAS-enabled Spring Boot microservice
- Hexagonal Architecture
- about / What are Microservices?
- URL / What are Microservices?
- high availability
- setting up, for Config Server / Setting up high availability for the Config Server
- URL / Setting up high availability for the Config Server
- setting up for Rabbit MQ, URL / Setting up high availability for the Config Server
- holiday portal / An example of a holiday portal
- honeycomb analogy / Microservices - The honeycomb analogy, A reactive microservice-based order management system
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- HTrace / Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth
- Hyper-V / Microservices are lightweight, Difference between VM and containers
- HyperMedia As The Engine Of Application State (HATEOAS) / HATEOAS-enabled Spring Boot microservice
- Hypertext Application Language (HAL) / HATEOAS-enabled Spring Boot microservice
- Hystrix
- URL / Spring Cloud Hystrix for fault-tolerant microservices
- IBM OpenWhisk / Serverless computing
- In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG) / Elastically and selectively scalable
- infrastructure as code / Cloud and Containers as the self-service infrastructure for microservices
- Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)
- about / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- IntelliJ IDEA / Setting up a development environment
- Internet of Things (IoT) / Business demand as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- Inversion of Control (IoC) pattern / With dependency injection pattern
- Java-based configuration
- using, with Java-based configuration / Dependency injection pattern with Java-based configuration
- Java 8 / Benefits of containers
- JavaLite
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- Java Logging (JUL) / Understanding log management challenges
- Java Management Extensions (JMX) / Introducing Spring Framework
- Java Message Service (JMS) / Introducing Spring Framework, What are Microservices?, Service-oriented integration
- JBoss / Microservices are autonomous
- JConsole
- used, for monitoring / Monitoring using JConsole
- Jdbc callback interfaces
- RowMapper, implementing / Jdbc callback interfaces
- RowMapper class, creating / Creating a RowMapper class
- RowCallbackHandler, implementing / Implementing RowCallbackHandler
- ResultSetExtractor, implementing / Implementing ResultSetExtractor
- JDBC driver
- used, for data source configuration / Configuring a data source using a JDBC driver
- JdbcTemplate
- working with / Working with JdbcTemplate
- using / When to use JdbcTemplate
- creating, in application / Creating a JdbcTemplate in an application
- JDBC-based repository, implementing / Implementing a JDBC-based repository
- callback interfaces / Jdbc callback interfaces
- configuring / Best practices for Jdbc and configuring JdbcTemplate
- JDK 1.8
- URL / Setting up a development environment
- JEE design patterns
- about / Common GoF Design Pattern overview
- Jetty / Expose services through port bindings
- jmxtrans / Monitoring tools
- jobs / HashiCorp Nomad
- join points / Core AOP terminology and concepts, Join Point
- Jooby
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- JRE / The Docker image
- Kafka / Log stream processors
- key capabilities, container orchestration
- cluster management / What does container orchestration do?
- deployments / What does container orchestration do?
- scalability / What does container orchestration do?
- health / What does container orchestration do?
- infrastructure abstraction / What does container orchestration do?
- resource optimizations / What does container orchestration do?
- resource allocations / What does container orchestration do?
- service availability / What does container orchestration do?
- agility / What does container orchestration do?
- isolation / What does container orchestration do?
- key components, Docker
- Docker daemon / Key components of Docker, The Docker daemon
- Docker client / Key components of Docker, The Docker client
- Docker image / The Docker image
- Docker containers / The Docker container
- Docker registry / The Docker registry
- Dockerfile / Dockerfile
- Kibana / Dashboards
- Kubernetes (k8s) / Automation in microservices environment, Kubernetes
- Kurma / What are containers?
- Lagom
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- Lambda architecture
- about / Lambda architecture
- cognitive computing / Lambda architecture
- Big Data / Lambda architecture
- Bots / Lambda architecture
- IoT / Lambda architecture
- URL / Centralized logging solution
- Lambda Framework for Java / Serverless computing
- leader/follower pattern / Leader/follower pattern
- Librato / Monitoring tools
- Linux kernel / The Docker image
- Lmctfy / What are containers?
- Logentries / Cloud services
- logging solutions
- selection / Selection of logging solutions
- cloud services / Cloud services
- off-the-shelf solutions / Off-the-shelf solutions
- breed integration / Best of the breed integration
- custom logging, implementation / Custom logging implementation
- Spring Cloud Sleuth, distributed tracing / Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth
- Loggly / Externalizing logs, Cloud services, Monitoring tools
- log management, challenges / Understanding log management challenges
- Logplex / Externalizing logs
- Logsene / Cloud services
- Logstash / Externalizing logs, Log shippers
- Lumen
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- about / Microservice frameworks
- LXD / What are containers?
- manager / Docker Swarm
- Mantl
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- MapR / Lambda architecture
- Marathon
- about / Apache Mesos, Marathon
- container orchestration / Container orchestration with Mesos and Marathon
- implementing, with DCOS / Implementing Mesos and Marathon with DCOS
- installing / Installing Mesos, Marathon, and related components
- URL, for installation / Installing Mesos, Marathon, and related components
- executing / Running Mesos and Marathon
- master / Kubernetes
- Maven / Bundle dependencies
- Maven 3.3.1
- URL / Setting up a development environment
- Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) / Antifragility, fail fast, and self healing
- Mesos
- about / Automation in microservices environment
- chain orchestration / Container orchestration with Mesos and Marathon
- architecture / Mesos architecture
- implementing, with DCOS / Implementing Mesos and Marathon with DCOS
- installing / Installing Mesos, Marathon, and related components
- installation link / Installing Mesos, Marathon, and related components
- executing / Running Mesos and Marathon
- Mesos architecture
- Master / Mesos architecture
- Slave / Mesos architecture
- ZooKeeper / Mesos architecture
- Framework / Mesos architecture
- Scheduler / Mesos architecture
- Executor / Mesos architecture
- workflow diagram / Mesos architecture
- Mesos Master / Mesos architecture
- Mesosphere DCOS / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- message based / Reactive microservices
- Micro
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- Microservice A / Zuul proxy as the API Gateway
- microservices
- about / What are Microservices?
- URL / What are Microservices?
- principles / Principles of microservices
- characteristics / Characteristics of microservices
- examples / Microservices examples
- benefits / Microservices benefits
- use cases / Microservice use cases
- monolithic migration / Monolithic migration as the common use case
- frameworks / Microservice frameworks
- documenting / Documenting microservices
- and containers, relationship between / Microservices and containers
- deploying, into Docker / Deploying microservices into Docker
- publishing, to Docker Hub / Publish microservices to the Docker Hub
- deploying, on Cloud / Microservices on Cloud
- scaling / Scaling microservices
- relationship / Relationship with microservices
- microservices, monitoring
- about / Monitoring microservices
- challenges / Monitoring challenges
- key areas / Monitoring challenges
- approaches / Monitoring challenges
- tools / Monitoring tools
- dependency, monitoring / Monitoring microservice dependency
- Spring Cloud Hystrix, used for fault-tolerant microservices / Spring Cloud Hystrix for fault-tolerant microservices
- Aggregate Hystrix streams, with Turbine / Aggregate Hystrix streams with Turbine
- microservices evolution
- about / Evolution of microservices
- business demand, as catalyst / Business demand as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- technology, as catalyst / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- imperative architecture evolution / Imperative architecture evolution
- monitor object pattern
- about / Monitor object pattern
- monitor object / Monitor object pattern
- synchronized method / Monitor object pattern
- monitor conditions / Monitor object pattern
- Mono / Processor
- Mono type / The Annotation-based programming model
- Nagios / Monitoring tools
- namespace / The Docker container
- Neo 4j / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- NetBeans / Setting up a development environment
- Netflix
- URL / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- about / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- New Event Aggregation Service / Supporting event-driven architecture
- New Relic / Monitoring tools, Monitoring microservice dependency
- New Relic synthetic / Monitoring tools
- NewSQL / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- Nexus / Bundle dependencies
- Nike
- about / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- URL / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- nodes / Docker Swarm, Kubernetes
- Nomad / HashiCorp Nomad
- non-blocking calls / Non-blocking calls
- NoSQL / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- Notification Services / An example of a travel agent portal
- NuoDB / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- OAuth2
- microservice, securing / Securing microservice with OAuth2
- Object-oriented programming (OOP) / What is Aspect-Oriented Programming?
- object pooling
- connection pooling / Best practices for Jdbc and configuring JdbcTemplate
- statement pooling / Best practices for Jdbc and configuring JdbcTemplate
- object pool pattern
- configuring / Configuring the data source and object pool pattern
- Open Container Initiative (OCI) / Future of containerization
- Orbitz
- about / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- URL / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Order Event / Supporting event-driven architecture, Reactive microservices
- organizations, using microservices
- Netflix / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Uber / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Airbnb / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Orbitz / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- eBay / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Amazon / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Gilt / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Twitter / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Nike / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- oversubscriptions / What does container orchestration do?
- Papertrial / Cloud services
- pay as you use model / Serverless computing
- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCIDSS) / An example of a travel agent portal
- Payra-micro
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- Pingdom / Monitoring tools
- Plain Old Java Object (POJO) / Service-oriented application, Adding a custom health module
- Platform as a Service (PaaS) / Technology as a catalyst for microservices evolution
- pods / Kubernetes
- pointcut
- about / Core AOP terminology and concepts, Pointcut
- defining / Defining pointcuts
- writing / Writing pointcuts
- polyglot architecture
- supporting / Supports polyglot architecture
- pool connections
- used, for data source configuration / Configuring the data source using pool connections
- Ports and Adapters pattern / What are Microservices?
- Presentation Layer / What are Microservices?
- Pricing / Allows substitution
- principles, microservices
- single responsibility per service / Single responsibility per service
- autonomous / Microservices are autonomous
- program-to-interface (P2I) / Using factory helper pattern for dependent components
- Project Object Model (POM) / Bundle dependencies
- Prometheus / Monitoring tools
- Promise theory / Reactive microservices
- Protocol Buffers / What are Microservices?
- Prototype design pattern
- about / Prototype design pattern
- benefits / Benefits of the Prototype design pattern
- UML class structure / UML class structure
- sample implementation / Sample implementation of the Prototype design pattern
- Proxy design pattern
- caching, enabling via / Enabling caching via the Proxy pattern
- QBit / Reactive microservices
- Quality of Services (QoS) / Elastically and selectively scalable
- RabbitMQ
- using, in reactive microservices / Reactive microservices using Spring Boot and RabbitMQ
- URL / Reactive microservices using Spring Boot and RabbitMQ
- executing, on Docker / Running RabbitMQ on Docker
- reactive manifesto
- URL / Reactive microservices
- reactive microservices
- about / Reactive microservices, Reactive Spring Boot microservices
- order management system / A reactive microservice-based order management system
- Spring WebFlux, using / Reactive microservices using Spring WebFlux
- Reactive Streams / Understanding Reactive Streams
- Spring Boot, using / Reactive microservices using Spring Boot and RabbitMQ
- Rabbit MQ, using / Reactive microservices using Spring Boot and RabbitMQ
- Spring Cloud Streams / Streams for reactive microservices
- reactive pattern
- about / Understanding the reactive pattern
- traits / The reactive pattern traits
- reactive Spring Boot application
- URL / Reactive microservices using Spring WebFlux
- Reactive Streams / Reactive Streams
- about / Reactive microservices using Spring WebFlux, Understanding Reactive Streams
- Publisher / Publisher
- subscriber / Subscriber
- Subscription / Subscription
- Processor / Processor
- reactor pattern
- about / Reactor pattern
- resources / Reactor pattern
- synchronous event demultiplexer / Reactor pattern
- dispatcher / Reactor pattern
- Request Handler / Reactor pattern
- Reactor project
- URL / Reactive microservices using Spring WebFlux
- Real user monitoring (RUM) / Monitoring challenges
- Red Hat Funktion / Serverless computing
- registration
- with Eureka / Eureka for registration and discovery
- request body conversion / Request and response body conversion
- resilience
- replication / Resilience
- isolation / Resilience
- containment / Resilience
- delegation / Resilience
- resilient / Reactive microservices
- resolved problems, Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
- about / Problems resolved by AOP
- code tangling / Code tangling
- code scattering / Code scattering
- working, for problem resolution / How AOP Works to solve problems
- resource management problem / The resource management problem
- response body conversion / Request and response body conversion
- responsive / Reactive microservices
- RESTful microservices
- building, with Spring Boot / Spring Boot for building RESTful microservices
- Restlet
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- Restx
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- about / Microservice frameworks
- Riemann / Monitoring tools
- Rocket / What are containers?
- rootfs / The Docker image
- Runscope / Monitoring tools
- Ruxit / Monitoring tools
- RxJava / Reactive microservices
- RxJS / Reactive microservices
- Scale Cube
- about / Elastically and selectively scalable
- URL / Elastically and selectively scalable
- Scheduler / Mesos architecture
- security
- implementing / Implementing security
- microservice, securing / Securing a microservice with basic security
- microservice, securing with OAuth2 / Securing microservice with OAuth2
- Selenium / Automation in microservices environment
- Seneca
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- Sensu / Monitoring tools
- Serverless / Serverless computing
- serverless computing / Serverless computing
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- about / Evolution of microservices, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- URL / Characteristics of service in a microservice, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- srvice-oriented integration / Service-oriented integration
- legacy modernization / Legacy modernization
- application / Service-oriented application
- used, for monolithic migration / Monolithic migration using SOA
- Service-Oriented Integration (SOI) / Service-oriented integration
- services
- about / Services are first class citizens
- characteristics / Characteristics of service in a microservice
- setter-based dependency injection
- about / Setter-based dependency injection
- advantages / Setter-based dependency injection
- disadvantages / Setter-based dependency injection
- example / Setter-based dependency injection
- versus constructor / Setter-based dependency injection
- Simian Army / Antifragility, fail fast, and self healing
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) / Supporting building self-organizing systems
- Singleton design pattern
- about / Singleton design pattern
- early instantiation / Singleton design pattern
- lazy instantiation / Singleton design pattern
- benefits / Singleton design pattern
- applying, in issues / Common problems where you should apply Singleton pattern
- implementation, Spring Framework / Singleton design pattern implementation in the Spring Framework
- sample implementation / Sample implementation of the Singleton design pattern
- software defined infrastructure / Cloud and Containers as the self-service infrastructure for microservices
- SOLID design pattern
- about / Single responsibility per service
- URL / Single responsibility per service
- Span / Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth
- Spark Streaming / Log stream processors, Data analysis using Data Lake
- Sparta for Go / Serverless computing
- Spigo / Monitoring tools
- Splunk / Externalizing logs, Off-the-shelf solutions, Monitoring tools
- Spring
- used, for simplifying application development / Simplifying application development using Spring and its pattern
- Template Design pattern / The Template Design pattern in Spring
- dependency injection pattern, configuring / Configuring the dependency injection pattern with Spring
- Proxy pattern / Proxy pattern in Spring
- Spring 5 Framework
- reactive, implementing / Implementing reactive with the Spring 5 Framework
- Spring AOP
- working / How Spring AOP works
- Spring beans, injecting
- constructor injection, using / Using constructor injection
- setter injection, using / Using setter injection
- Spring beans, Spring container
- bean / Life of a bean in the container
- life cycle / Life of a bean in the container
- about / With dependency injection pattern
- Spring Boot
- about / Microservice frameworks, Getting started with Spring Boot
- used, for building RESTful microservices / Spring Boot for building RESTful microservices
- using, in reactive microservices / Reactive microservices using Spring Boot and RabbitMQ
- Spring Boot actuators
- used, for microservices instrumentation / Spring Boot actuators for microservices instrumentation
- monitoring, JConsole used / Monitoring using JConsole
- monitoring, SSH used / Monitoring using ssh
- custom health module, adding / Adding a custom health module
- custom metrics, building / Building custom metrics
- Spring Boot CLI / Getting started with Spring Boot
- Spring Boot microservice
- developing / Developing a Spring Boot microservice, Developing our first Spring Boot microservice
- reference / Developing a Spring Boot microservice
- URL, for dependencies / Developing our first Spring Boot microservice
- testing / Testing Spring Boot microservice
- Spring Cloud
- about / Microservice frameworks, What is Spring Cloud?
- releases / Spring Cloud releases
- Spring Cloud Bus
- for propagating configuration changes / Spring Cloud Bus for propagating configuration changes
- Spring Cloud Config Server
- about / Spring Cloud Config
- microservices, building with Config Server / Building microservices with Config Server
- Config Server, setting up / Setting up the Config Server
- Config Server URL / Understanding the Config Server URL
- Config Server, accessing from clients / Accessing the Config Server from clients
- configuration changes, handling / Handling configuration changes
- Spring Cloud Bus, for propagating configuration changes / Spring Cloud Bus for propagating configuration changes
- high availability, setting up for Config Server / Setting up high availability for the Config Server
- Config Server health, monitoring / Monitoring Config Server health
- Config Server, for configuration files / Config Server for configuration files
- Config Server, using / Completing changes to use Config Server
- Spring Cloud Data Flow / Log stream processors, Data analysis using Data Lake
- Spring Cloud Hystrix
- using / Spring Cloud Hystrix for fault-tolerant microservices
- Spring Cloud Security
- used, for protecting microservices / Protecting microservices with Spring Cloud Security
- Spring Cloud Sleuth
- distributed tracing / Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth
- Spring Cloud Stream / Log stream processors
- Spring Cloud Streams
- about / Reactive microservices, Data analysis using Data Lake
- using, in reactive microservices / Streams for reactive microservices
- Spring Cloud Streams modules / Log stream processors, Data analysis using Data Lake
- Spring container
- using / Using a Spring container to manage beans with the Factory pattern
- application contexts / Using a Spring container to manage beans with the Factory pattern
- Bean factory / Using a Spring container to manage beans with the Factory pattern
- bean factory / Bean factory
- creating, with application context / Creating a container with an application context
- Spring Framework
- about / Introducing Spring Framework
- benefits / Introducing Spring Framework
- Spring Framework 5 / Microservice frameworks
- Spring Framework 5.0
- features / New features in Spring Framework 5.0
- Spring Initializr
- URL / Getting started with Spring Boot, HATEOAS-enabled Spring Boot microservice
- about / HATEOAS-enabled Spring Boot microservice
- Spring Integration / Service-oriented application
- Spring Inversion of Control (IOC) / Introducing Spring Framework
- Spring modules
- about / Spring modules
- core Spring container / Core Spring container
- AOP module / Spring's AOP module
- data access and integration / Spring DAO - data access and integration
- ORM / Spring's ORM
- web MVC / Spring web MVC
- Spring Reactive / Reactive microservices
- Spring Streams / Microservice frameworks
- Spring Tool Suite (STS) / Getting started with Spring Boot
- Spring Tool Suite 3.8.2 (STS)
- URL / Setting up a development environment
- Spring Web reactive module
- about / Spring Web reactive module
- comparisons / Spring Web reactive module
- implementing, at server side / Implementing a reactive web application at the server side
- annotation-based programming model / Implementing a reactive web application at the server side
- functional programming model / Implementing a reactive web application at the server side, The functional programming model
- Reactive Client-Side application, implementing / Implementing a Reactive Client-Side application
- used, for monitoring / Monitoring using ssh
- statd / Monitoring tools
- Stereotype annotations
- about / What are Stereotype annotations?
- automatic wiring, creating / What are Stereotype annotations?
- used, for creating auto searchable beans / Creating auto searchable beans using Stereotype annotations
- Storm / Log stream processors
- strategies, resource allocation
- spread / What does container orchestration do?
- bin packing / What does container orchestration do?
- random / What does container orchestration do?
- subnet / The Docker container
- Sumo Logic / Cloud services
- Swarm Intelligence / Reactive microservices
- Systemd Nspawn / What are containers?
- t2.large EC2 / Installing Mesos, Marathon, and related components
- task groups / HashiCorp Nomad
- template design pattern
- implementing / Implementing the template design pattern
- traditional JDBC, issues / Problems with the traditional JDBC
- issues, solving with Spring's JdbcTemplate / Solving problems with Spring's JdbcTemplate
- The Software Development Kit Manager (SDKMAN)
- URL / Getting started with Spring Boot
- third-party cache implementations
- about / Third-party cache implementations
- Ehcache-based cache / Ehcache-based cache
- thread-specific storage pattern / Thread-specific storage pattern
- Thrift / What are Microservices?
- Tomcat / An example of a holiday portal
- Trace / Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth, Monitoring tools
- Trace-id / Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth
- traits, reactive pattern
- responsiveness / The reactive pattern traits, Responsiveness
- resilient / The reactive pattern traits
- scalable / The reactive pattern traits, Scalable
- message-driven / The reactive pattern traits
- resilience / Resilience
- message-driven architecture / Message-driven architecture
- Travel Agent Portal / An example of a travel agent portal
- Twelve-Factor Apps
- about / Twelve-Factor Apps
- single code base / Single code base
- bundle dependencies / Bundle dependencies
- configurations, externalizing / Externalizing configurations
- backing services / Backing services are addressable
- build stage and release stage, isolating between / Isolation between build, release, and run
- release stage and run stage, isolating between / Isolation between build, release, and run
- stateless processes / Stateless, shared nothing processes
- process share, avoiding / Stateless, shared nothing processes
- services expose, through port binding / Expose services through port bindings
- concurrency, for scale out / Concurrency for scale out
- disposability, with minimal overhead / Disposability, with minimal overhead
- development, production parity principle / Development, production parity
- logs, externalizing / Externalizing logs
- admin processes, packaging / Package admin processes
- Twitter
- about / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- URL / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Uber
- about / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- URL / Microservices early adopters - Is there a common theme?
- Vamp
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- Vert.x
- about / Microservice frameworks
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- Vertias Risk Advisor (VRA) / Monitoring microservice dependency
- virtual engines (VEs) / What are containers?
- virtual machines (VM)
- versus containers / Difference between VM and containers
- about / Difference between VM and containers
- VMWare / Difference between VM and containers
- Weave scope / Monitoring tools
- weaving / Weaving
- web application
- caching best practices / Top caching best practices to be used in a web application
- WebFlux
- about / Reactive Spring Boot microservices
- using, in reactive microservices / Reactive microservices using Spring WebFlux
- Weblogic / Microservices are autonomous
- WebSphere / Microservices are autonomous
- Webtask / Serverless computing
- Wildfly Swarm / Microservice frameworks
- wiring / Using DI pattern for dependent components
- WSO2 Microservices For Java - MSF4J
- URL / Microservice frameworks
- XML-based configuration file
- using, with dependency injection pattern / Dependency injection pattern with XML-based configuration
- creating / Creating an XML configuration file
- Spring beans, declaring / Declaring Spring beans in an XML file
- Spring beans, injecting / Injecting Spring beans
- XML configuration
- used, for defining aspects / Define aspects using XML configuration
- XML namespace
- used, for enabling caching proxy / Enabling the Caching Proxy using the XML namespace
- Your Application Classes (POJOs) / Configuring the dependency injection pattern with Spring
- Zabbix / Monitoring tools
- Zen / Difference between VM and containers
- ZeroMQ / What are Microservices?
- Zipkin / Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth
- ZooKeeper / Apache Mesos, Mesos architecture
- Zuul proxy
- using, as API Gateway / Zuul proxy as the API Gateway
- setting up / Setting up Zuul
- high availability / High availability of Zuul
- high availability, with Eureka Client / High availability of Zuul when the client is also a Eureka Client
- high availability, without Eureka Client / High availability when client is not a Eureka Client
- completing, for other services / Completing Zuul for all other services