Capturing electronic signatures for changes
Organizations that have strict regulation requirements often need to capture electronic signatures as issues move along the workflow, for future auditing purposes. This is often a part of the CFR Part 11 compliance.
In this recipe, we will look at how to enforce and capture e-signatures when someone tries to transition an issue through the workflow.
Getting ready
For this recipe, we need to have the CFR Part 11 E-Signatures add-on installed. You can download the add-on from the following link:
How to do it...
To start capturing electronic signatures, we first need to create an Electronic Signature custom field:
Navigate to Administration | Issues | Custom fields.
Click on the Add Custom Field button, and select the Advanced tab.
Choose the Electronic Signature custom field type, and click on Next as shown in the next screenshot.
Name the custom field E-Signatures, and click on Next.
Select a screen to place...