Creating a new per-tenant extension with AL-Go for GitHub
To create a new per-tenant extension with AL-Go for GitHub, navigate to, select Use this template, and then Create a new repository:
Figure 15.1: Creating a repository from a template
On the Create a new repository page, select the name of your extension, set the repository visibility to private or public, and then click on Create repository:

Figure 15.2: Configuring the new repository
A new repository will be created in your GitHub account, starting from the Microsoft template. The new repository has a .AL-Go
folder and other files in it, but no .al

Figure 15.3: New repository with .AL-Go folder
From the newly created repository, select Actions, and then execute the Create a new app action. Here, enter the Name, Publisher, and ID range details for your app, and specify Y in Direct COMMIT. Then, choose Run workflow:
Figure 15.4: Creating...