As we conclude, here is a list of questions for you to test your knowledge regarding this chapter's material. You will find the answers in the Assessments section of the Appendix:
- If a user fails to complete an access review before the end date and the default behavior is configured as "Take recommendations," what will happen if the user has not signed in within the past month?
a. The user's access will be left unchanged.
b. The user's access will be revoked and removed.
c. The user's access will be approved and extended.
d. The administrator will be presented with an option to revoke the user's access.
- If a user is made eligible for a role in PIM, which of the following statements describes what this means?
a. It means that the user is automatically assigned to the role.
b. It means that the user can request to be assigned the role by PIM whenever they need it to perform a task.
c. It means that the user cannot request to be assigned...