Chapter 1, Cross-Platform with .NET Core, dives deep into what .NET Core is, what its core components are, and creating ASP.NET Core web projects using the .NET Core CLI.
Chapter 2, Visual Studio 2017, C# 6, IDEs, and Roslyn, covers the use of Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio Code, and Atom as C# editors. Also, we'll investigate the new features that come with C# 6 and use Roslyn compiler as a service.
Chapter 3, Working with NPM, Frontend Package Managers, and Task Runners, covers using and creating npm modules and using Bower, Grunt, Gulp, and Yeoman.
Chapter 4, Reusing Code with NuGet, guides you though manage NuGet packages, creating new NuGet packages, using previously created packages, and creating a new NuGet repository to privately list NuGet packages.
Chapter 5, SOLID Principles, Inversion of Control, and Dependency Injection, covers all SOLID principles, plus the inversion of Ccontrol and dependency injection libraries that come with ASP.NET Core and seperate NuGet packages.
Chapter 6, Data Access - Entity Framework with Repository, SQL Server, and Stored Procedures, covers implementing the repository pattern using Entity Framework Core. During implementation, we'll cover the IoC life cycle. Also, we'll investigate different providers of Entity Framework Core.
Chapter 7, Data Access with Micro ORMs, NoSQL, and Azure, covers creating DataAccessLayer with several libraries, such as Dapper and OrmLite. Also, we'll investigate MongoDB, Azure table storage, Azure blob storage, and SQL on Azure.
Chapter 8, Cache and Session - Distributed, Server, and Client, covers caching with several providers, such as InMemory Data Caching, Response Caching, Session Caching, and Distributed Caching. We'll use Redis on both on-premises and Azure.
Chapter 9, Routing, discusses the different aspects of ASP.NET Routing mechanisms, Route Constraints, and SEO-friendly routing.
Chapter 10, ASP.NET Core MVC, covers ActionResult types, creating and using POCO controllers, and managing Exceptions.
Chapter 11, Web API, discusses managing content-negotiation, handling cross-domain requests, auto-documenting controllers and actions using Swagger, and testing actions.
Chapter 12, Filters, covers how to create, manage, and use Global Filters for injecting tasks before and after the execution of actions, such as logging, caching, controlling authentication, and authorization.
Chapter 13, Views, Models, and ViewModels, covers creating and using ViewModels, and understanding and using the ModelBinding mechanism and ValueProviders.
Chapter 14, Razor and Views, talks about views, partial views, areas, HTML helpers, and dependency injection into views.
Chapter 15, TagHelpers and ViewComponents, dives deep into using Environment, Script, Form, and Link TagHelpers. We'll also create reusable ViewComponents.
Chapter 16, OWIN and Middlewares, describes OWIN and Katana, the new ASP.NET Core pipelines and middleware, along with creating and using ASP.NET Core middleware.
Chapter 17, Security, covers Authentication and Authorization mechanisms, managing Identity, and securing data with ASP.NET Core.
Chapter 18, Frontend Development, covers how to use Bootstrap classes, write maintainable and clean JavaScript code, and debug it. We will see what TypeScript is and write unit tests for JavaScript code.
Chapter 19, Deployment and Hosting, covers hosting ASP.NET Core web applications using IIS, Azure, and Docker. We'll also host ASP.NET web applications on Linux, Windows, and Mac environments using Kestrel.