You started this chapter by learning how to visualize relationships in the data. Scatter plots and bubble charts are the most important charts in this category to show relationships between two or three variables, respectively.
Then, you moved to another category of data visualization, which aimed to make comparisons in the data. The most common charts that you can use to show comparisons are bar charts, column charts, and line charts. Tables are also useful to show comparisons.
The next use case that you learned was visualizing data distributions. The most common types of charts that are used to show distributions are histograms and box plots.
Then, you moved to compositions. You can use this set of charts when you want to show the different elements that make up the data. While showing compositions, you must be aware of whether you want to present static data or data that changes over time. For static data, you should use a pie chart, a stacked 100% bar chart, or...