The structure type allows us to specify a group of related variables, each representing a facet, or component, of the thing being modeled. There may be just a few components in the modeled thing; more often than not, there are many components. Each component can be of any intrinsic C data type (integer, real, Boolean, char, complex, and so on) or any previously defined custom type. The components in a structure do not have to be of the same type. Therein lies the power of the structure – it allows us to group various aspects of the thing into a single custom data type; in this case, a C structure. We can then use that data type much like we use any other data type.
The syntax for defining a structured type is as follows:
struct name{
type componentName1;
type componentName2;
… ;
type componentNameN;
The type consists of the two words, struct and name. The components of the structure are contained within { and ...