Nautobot REST APIs
Nautobot has a robust implementation of REST APIs. The best place to dive deep into Nautobot’s REST APIs is through the API docs that exist within an installation of Nautobot. We are going to explore these throughout this chapter.
For the examples in this chapter, we are going to be using the Nautobot sandbox located at Make sure you can log in to the sandbox if you are going to follow along (the credentials are demo
Nautobot’s interactive API documentation
After logging into the sandbox, click the link in the bottom right of the footer that says API. To ease going back and forth to the main Nautobot UI, you should open this link in a new browser window or tab. This will open /api/docs/
for you:

Figure 8.1 – API docs in the Nautobot UI footer
In the new browser tab, you will see the following screen:

Figure 8.2 – Viewing the Nautobot...