Architecture of DeFi applications
As we mentioned earlier, decentralization is one of the most noteworthy features of DeFi. It also means using a different architecture when building DeFi applications compared to non-Web3 applications.
When building an application that is either on-premises or on the cloud, we rely on a node or a group of nodes to run the business logic of the application. These nodes are either managed by business owners or cloud vendors. This means that we know who is running our services and are responsible for the healthiness of these nodes.
In the Web3 era, the business logic is run in blockchain. We don’t need to care about which nodes are running our code because these nodes are self-organized based on the same blockchain protocol and use some consensus mechanism to secure the transactions. We don’t need to set up a server or subscribe to cloud services. What we do need to do, however, is deploy smart contracts on the blockchain and pay the gas fees.
Figure 1.7 shows the architecture of DeFi applications:

Figure 1.7 – The architecture of DeFi applications
Different from the architecture of traditional financial services, the business logic for DeFi does not require business-owned nodes to run. The user’s data is stored on blockchains, and the transactions are run on blockchains. Based on Figure 1.7, let’s look at the different components of DeFi applications.
DeFi application frontend
The DeFi application frontend is the user interface (UI) for accessing DeFi applications, although users can call smart contracts directly via RPC endpoints. The frontend can be a web page or mobile user interface. These frontend implementations are provided by DeFi developers for users to interact with smart contract functions much more easily. The code that accesses the blockchain for these web pages is usually implemented with the JavaScript or TypeScript programming language.
Usually, developers use Web3 frontend libraries such as web3.js
or ethers.js
for developing DeFi application web pages (frontend code) more easily. These libraries wrap up the connection, authentication, and RPC calls to smart contracts.
Some of the libraries also provide support for other programming languages, such as Python and Java, so that developers can access the blockchain from backend servers. However, a decentralized system should not rely on the backend server code. The code of a DeFi application should be run on the client side (for example, a user’s web browser) and the blockchain. This is the rule we will follow when building DeFi applications in this book.
DeFi wallet
A DeFi wallet identifies a Web3 account that the user owns. DeFi applications can authorize the user to access the information owned by this user or perform permitted actions on the blockchain.
Compared to traditional applications, the DeFi wallet offers a more convenient process to use applications. Remember that, with traditional applications, you must register accounts for every application, note down the password, and worry about whether your personal information is being leaked to attackers. None of these problems exist when using DeFi wallets.
Creating a Web3 account only requires you to get a DeFi wallet app and follow the wizard when you open the app for the first time. This process only requires you to back up a seed phrase or private key and it is not necessary to provide any confidential information. Once you have a DeFi wallet, you can use the same wallet address to access all DeFi applications if they run on a supported blockchain.
Several DeFi wallet vendors are available, such as MetaMask and Trust Wallet. Most of the vendors are for software wallets. There are also hardware wallets such as paper (for example, you can write down the private key or seed phrase and recover it with any DeFi wallet app) or electronic hardware wallets (for example, Ledger:
CEX applications also offer wallets so that you can send or receive cryptocurrencies. However, you may not be allowed to use the wallets to access other DeFi applications or import the wallet into another DeFi wallet app. The reason is that users do not have access to the private key, so they cannot access the wallet and the funds in it via other DeFi wallet apps.
Some DeFi wallets require you to back up a 12-word or 24-word seed phrase so that you can recover the wallet in the future. There are two differences between a seed phrase and a private key:
- One private key maps to one wallet address (account); so, one private key can only be used for recovering one wallet address. Meanwhile, one set of seed phrases can be mapped to all addresses and used for recovering all addresses in a DeFi wallet app that belongs to one user.
- One private key can be used to recover a wallet address (account) on any DeFi wallet, whereas a set of seed phrases generated by one wallet application is not guaranteed to recover the same set of wallet addresses in a different DeFi wallet application.
RPC endpoint
An RPC endpoint is the entry point for DeFi users and applications to access data and run transactions on the blockchain. Similar to using REST API calls, users can access the blockchain by sending requests to the RPC endpoint with a JSON payload to call smart contract functions and get the account balance in the EVM-based blockchain. contains more information about JSON-RPC standards and different ways to call RPC endpoints.
RPC endpoints for Ethereum can be public or private. Public RPC endpoints are shared by others; they are usually slower and have limitations in terms of throughput compared to private RPC endpoints.
Developers usually use RPC endpoints from different providers for DeFi applications on Ethereum. The most famous RPC endpoint providers include Infura (, Ankr (, and Cloudflare ( At the time of writing this book, Cloudflare and Ankr provide publicly shared RPC endpoints. While Infura only provides private RPC endpoints, you can get API keys for free to use the endpoint for your project. This book suggests using private RPC endpoints for DeFi applications for their reliable connection between the UI code and blockchain.
You can also refer to or for a list of publicly shared RPC endpoints for Ethereum.
Interactions between blockchain and oracle
As mentioned earlier, oracle is an important technology. Now, let’s discover how a blockchain network interacts with an oracle network.
An oracle network provides the services that blockchain doesn’t have – for example, to get the price of a stock, the total revenue of a company in 2022 Q4, or the population of a country. The nodes in the oracle network may not be decentralized because they are not a part of the blockchain.
To access the service provided in the oracle network, developers have to implement smart contracts that call the API provided by oracle. This type of smart contract is called a hybrid smart contract and it connects the blockchain network and the oracle network. In most cases, developers do not need to write code to call the API since oracle vendors such as Chainlink already implement some hybrid smart contracts in popular blockchains. So, you can directly call these smart contracts via Solidity, or use Web3 libraries to call hybrid smart contract functions directly from the frontend or backend code.
Figure 1.7 shows the basic workflow of accessing an oracle network from the blockchain. It is a two-step process for each request. The smart contract has to request for the oracle service first. Once the oracle network completes the request, it will call another section of code in the blockchain (callback) to fulfill the request.
The reason for leveraging this two-step pattern is that Solidity or Ethereum doesn’t have any synchronization mechanism to wait for an event in its code. Instead, a smart contract function returns immediately after a request is sent to the oracle network, at which point an off-chain process will “wait for” the completion of the request in the oracle network. Finally, the oracle network can call blockchain smart contract functions again to notify the completion of the request.
Now that we have covered the architecture of DeFi applications, next, we will discuss the possible vulnerabilities of DeFi applications and some best practices to prevent them from happening.