Technical requirements
The prerequisites for this chapter are as follows:
- An AWS account
- An AWS Linux VM running on the AMD64 platform
- An AWS user account with administrator access and access to its secret
- Installation of Packer on the AWS Linux VM
- Installation of Goss on the AWS Linux VM
- Access to the book's GitHub repository
To do the exercises in this chapter requires an AWS account. This will use compute time and storage on AWS, which will cost money, though you may be able to use an AWS Free Tier account ( None of the authors at the time of writing are currently affiliated with Amazon. There is no financial incentive for us. If anything, it costs us money to develop this chapter on AWS.
When running Packer, we recommend running on Linux, both for cloud images and Docker images. Windows is a special niche for cloud computing and Microsoft provides its own sets of tools for handling Windows images. We don&apos...