Our scan is over and we are on the Assets page, and as we can see in the following screenshot we have one asset scanned. We can see that the asset is running Ubuntu, and the skill that we need to hack into this asset is Novice:

From the preceding screenshot, we can see that Nexpose shows us much more information than Metasploit Community, and it's a much more advanced vulnerability management framework.
We can see that we scanned one target, METASPLOITABLE, and the site is global. It's running on Ubuntu Linux 8.04, and we discovered no malware, 175 exploits, and 306 Vulnerabilities. Remember that with Metasploit Community we only discovered 1 exploitable vulnerability and 8 modules that can be used. Here, we discovered 306 vulnerabilities. We discovered many more vulnerabilities and exploits.
We can see that there is a risk factor, and the last time...