With the latest update of aircrack-ng, airmon-ng stopped working for some wireless cards. It will actually say that it enabled monitor mode on wlan0mon; so, instead of just using mon0, it's going to start calling wireless cards wlan0mon. When we try to use this card, it might not work in monitor mode, even though the card supports monitor mode. For now, with Kali 2.1, it is recommend using a different method for enabling monitor mode. This method is actually the manual method for enabling monitor mode.
Our wireless card is wlan0, so let's just take a look at it. We use the iwconfig wlan0 command; the wireless card can be seen in the following screenshot, following command execution:

As we can see in the preceding screenshot, wlan0 is now in managed mode. So, what we are going to do is enable it by using the manual method. We're going...