• Master Flutter for designing highly available, cost-efficient, and scalable applications
• Build and manage applications with ease using the different Flutter features such as the BLoC architecture, RxDart, and StreamBuilder.
• Master techniques for building your application in a reactive and efficient way in Flutter.
Flutter is quickly becoming a well-known framework for developing cross-platform apps for both Android and iOS devices. Apps made with Flutter are very fast because of their high rendering power and because Dart compiles the app into native ARM code.
This course shows you how to make your applications reliable with consistent performance. You'll build modern applications using the different features of Flutter. You will develop apps for both iOS and Android with just one codebase and learn how to connect your app to a database using Firebase. You will learn how to improve the performance of your applications, thus taking your skills to the next level.
By the end of this course, you will have mastered building your applications using Flutter.
All the code files for this course are present on Github at - https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Mastering-Flutter-
Who is this book for?
This course is for mobile developers who have a basic knowledge of Flutter and are keen to become a master at it. If you have taken our Learning Flutter course, then this course will help you take your skills a notch higher.
What you will learn
• Master Flutter for designing highly available, cost-efficient, and scalable applications.
• Use the different feature of Flutter to make your applications more reliable with consistent performance.
• Unified app development using Flutter's diverse tools and libraries.
• Debug and improve the performance of your app using Flutter.
• Use the BLoC Pattern as a state management solution.
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