Creating views and copies
It is important to know when we are dealing with a shared array view, and when we have a copy of the array data. A slice, for instance, will create a view. This means that if you assign the slice to a variable and then change the underlying array, the value of this variable will change. We will create an array from the famous Lena image, copy the array, create a view, and, at the end, modify the view.
Getting ready
The prerequisites are the same as in the previous recipe.
How to do it...
Let's create a copy and views of the Lena array:
Create a copy of the Lena array:
acopy = lena.copy()
Create a view of the array:
aview = lena.view()
Set all the values of the view to 0 with a flat iterator:
aview.flat = 0
The end result is that only one of the images shows the Playboy model. The other ones get censored completely:

The following is the code of this tutorial showing the behavior of array views and copies:
import scipy.misc import matplotlib.pyplot lena = scipy.misc.lena() acopy...