- Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) / Materials for 3D printing
- Afinia / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Airwolf / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Aliphatic polyamide (nylon) / Materials for 3D printing
- Alt + RMB / Blunting sharp edges
- 1 button / Using the Ruler/Protractor
- B9 Creator / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Bad Contig. Edges* button / Fixing noncontiguous edges
- binder jetting / Types of 3D printers
- Blender
- precision modeling / Precision modeling in Blender
- texture painting / Painting your texture in Blender
- setting up, for metric scaling / Setting up the units of the scene
- Blender
- URL / 3D objects
- URL / 3D objects
- Bukobot / 3D printers – hobbyist
- coloring model
- preparing / Preparing the model for coloring
- texture maps, building / Building texture maps
- texture map, painting / Painting the texture map
- Ctrl + MMB (Middle Mouse Button) / UV mapping the wings
- Ctrl button / Using the Ruler/Protractor
- Cube / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Cube printing / Basic parts of a 3D printer
- 3D object
- exporting / Exporting your 3D object, Getting the orientation right, Making an STL file, Making an X3D file with a texture
- Z-Up axes / Getting the orientation right
- Y-Up orientation / Getting the orientation right
- STL file, creating / Making an STL file
- X3D file, creating with texture / Making an X3D file with a texture
- 3D objects
- 60 sites with free 3D models / 3D objects
- / 3D objects
- Blender / 3D objects
- Next Wave Multimedia / 3D objects
- TF3DM free Blender models / 3D objects
- Thingiverse / 3D objects
- 3D printer
- working / How a 3D printer works
- types / Types of 3D printers
- parts / Basic parts of a 3D printer
- controlling / How is a 3D printer controlled?
- 3D printer, materials
- Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) / Materials for 3D printing
- Polylactic acid (PLA) / Materials for 3D printing
- Aliphatic polyamide (nylon) / Materials for 3D printing
- Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) / Materials for 3D printing
- LAYWOO-D3 / Materials for 3D printing
- photopolymers / Materials for 3D printing
- 3D printer, types
- material extrusion / Types of 3D printers
- material jetting / Types of 3D printers
- Binder jetting / Types of 3D printers
- sheet lamination printers / Types of 3D printers
- Vat photopolymerization / Types of 3D printers
- Powder bed fusion / Types of 3D printers
- Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) / Types of 3D printers
- Selective heat sintering (SHS) / Types of 3D printers
- Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) / Types of 3D printers
- Directed energy deposition / Types of 3D printers
- 3D Printing
- features / What is special about 3D printing?
- 3D printing
- using, opportunities / Opportunities to use your 3D printer
- exercise / Opportunities to use your 3D printer
- materials / Materials for 3D printing
- health effects / 3D printing and your health
- services / What happens at a 3D printing service?, 3D printing services
- watertight model, creating / Making a watertight model
- manifold model, creating / Making a manifold model
- noncontiguous edges, fixing / Fixing noncontiguous edges
- cost, calculating / Economizing when 3D printing
- hobbyist references / 3D printers – hobbyist
- 3D printing hobbyist
- references / 3D printers – hobbyist
- 3D printing hobbyist references
- Afinia / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Airwolf / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Bukobot / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Cube / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Felix Printers / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Lulzbot / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Makerbot / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Makergear / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Mbot / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Peachy Printer / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Printrbot / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Robo / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Reprap / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Solidoodle / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Tinkerine Studio / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Trinity Labs / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Type A Machines / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Ultimake / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Up Mini / 3D printers – hobbyist
- B9 Creator / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Form Labs / 3D printers – hobbyist
- 3D printing references
- / References
- Case Western / References
- Mashable / References
- Oddee / References
- Soliforum 3D printing community / References
- Blender Key Commands / References
- Using Blender on a Macbook / References
- 3D printing services
- Design / 3D printing services
- I.Materialize / 3D printing services
- / 3D printing services
- Ponoko / 3D printing services
- Redeye / 3D printing services
- Sculpteo / 3D printing services
- Shapeways / 3D printing services
- ZoomRP / 3D printing services
- 3D Systems / 3D printers – industrial
- Design
- URL / 3D printing services
- dimensions
- modeling / Modeling dimensions
- Directed energy deposition
- about / Types of 3D printers
- Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) / Types of 3D printers
- Distorted button / Fixing distorted polygons
- dragon
- making, to use / Making the dragon useful
- holes, cutting / Cutting holes for removing extra printing material
- precision modelling / Precision modeling—fitting two objects together
- overhang issue, dealing with / Dealing with overhangs and support
- material extrusion printer,using / If the printer automatically makes supports
- model support, creating / Making supports for your model
- EnvisionTec / 3D printers – industrial
- Export STL button / Making an STL file
- Felix Printers / 3D printers – hobbyist
- file size / File sizes
- Form Labs / 3D printers – hobbyist
- G button / UV mapping the wings
- Home key / Precision modeling in Blender
- hot end simulator / How a 3D printer works
- I.Materialize
- URL / 3D printing services
- industrial 3D printers
- 3D Systems / 3D printers – industrial
- EnvisionTec / 3D printers – industrial
- Made in Space / 3D printers – industrial
- mCor Technologies / 3D printers – industrial
- Stratasys / 3D printers – industrial
- LAYWOO-D3 / Materials for 3D printing
- LMB (Left Mouse Button) / Using the Ruler/Protractor
- Lulzbot / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Made in Space / 3D printers – industrial
- Makerbo / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Makergear / 3D printers – hobbyist
- manifold model
- creating / Making a manifold model
- conditions / Making a manifold model
- manifold edges, identifying / Inspecting objects to see if they are manifold or non-manifold
- non manifold issues, searching / Finding problems that make a file non-manifold
- material extrusion / Types of 3D printers
- material jetting / Types of 3D printers
- Mbot / 3D printers – hobbyist
- mCor Technologies / 3D printers – industrial
- MendelMaxPro / Basic parts of a 3D printer
- Mesh Analysis checkbox / Fixing the junction between blade and hilt
- Mesh Analysis panel
- about / Introducing the Mesh Analysis panel
- Mirror modifier / Finding problems that make a file non-manifold
- URL / 3D printing services
- model
- coloring, ways / Preparing the model for coloring
- uncoloring / Leaving the object uncolored
- vertex colors, applying / Vertex colors
- vertex painting / Vertex painting
- model issues
- degenerate geometry / Typical problem areas with a model
- distorted geometry / Typical problem areas with a model
- improper thickness / Typical problem areas with a model
- sharpness / Typical problem areas with a model
- overhang / Typical problem areas with a model
- distorted polygons, fixing / Fixing distorted polygons
- sharp edges, blunting / Blunting sharp edges
- blade and hilt junction, fixing / Fixing the junction between blade and hilt
- Next Wave Multimedia
- URL / 3D objects
- Non-Flat Faces button / Fixing distorted polygons
- Non Manifold Edges* button / Finding problems that make a file non-manifold
- object precision
- affecting, factors / Factors affecting precision
- Paint mode / Modifying the UV coordinates to add detail
- Paint tool / Painting your texture in Blender
- Peachy Printer / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Peachy printer / The Peachy printer
- photopolymers / Materials for 3D printing
- Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) / Materials for 3D printing
- polygons sizes / Polygon sizes
- Polylactic acid (PLA) / Materials for 3D printing
- Ponoko
- URL / 3D printing services
- powder bed fusion
- about / Types of 3D printers
- precision modeling, Blender
- about / Precision modeling in Blender
- Ruler/Protractor, using / Using the Ruler/Protractor, Using the Protractor
- Preview window / Building texture maps
- Print3D Toolbox
- installing / Installing the Print3D toolbox
- location / Introducing the Print3D toolbox
- diagram / Introducing the Print3D toolbox
- printing costs
- controlling / Controlling printing costs
- Printrbot / 3D printers – hobbyist
- R button / UV mapping the wings
- Redeye
- URL / 3D printing services
- Reprap / 3D printers – hobbyist
- RMB (Right Mouse Button) / Precision modeling in Blender
- Robo / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Ruler/Protractor
- using / Using the Ruler/Protractor
- used, for angle measuring / Using the Protractor
- object thickness, measuring / Measuring the thickness of an object
- Ruler/Protractor tool / Blunting sharp edges
- 60 sites with free 3D models
- URL / 3D objects
- S button / UV mapping the wings
- Sculpteo
- URL / 3D printing services
- Selective heat sintering (SHS) / Types of 3D printers
- Selective Laser Melting (SLM) / Types of 3D printers
- Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) / Types of 3D printers
- Shapeways
- URL / 3D printing services
- sheet lamination printers / Types of 3D printers
- Shift + A / Precision modeling in Blender
- Shift + Alt + RMB / Blunting sharp edges
- Shift + D Enter / Precision modeling in Blender
- slicing program / How a 3D printer works
- Smooth Vertex tool / Fixing distorted polygons
- Solidify modifier
- used, for inner wall separation / Using Solidify for proper wall thickness
- inner shell, analysing / Analyzing and modifying the inner shell
- inner shell, modifying / Analyzing and modifying the inner shell
- Solidoodle / 3D printers – hobbyist
- stacking tolerances / Using the Ruler/Protractor
- stepper motors / How is a 3D printer controlled?
- Stratasys / 3D printers – industrial
- Tab key / Blunting sharp edges
- texture maps
- pronting colors, selecting / Choosing colors for printing
- UV unwrapping / UV unwrapping
- painting / Painting the texture map
- UV Layout, exporting / Exporting the UV Layout for use in an external paint program
- texture painting, Blender
- about / Painting your texture in Blender
- UV coordinates modification, for detail adding / Modifying the UV coordinates to add detail
- Clone brush, using / Using the Clone brush to add detail
- TF3DM free Blender models
- URL / 3D objects
- Thingiverse
- URL / 3D objects
- Tinkerine Studio / 3D printers – hobbyist
- tolerance / Precision modeling in Blender
- Transform Orientation button / Fixing distorted polygons
- Type A Machines / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Ultimake / 3D printers – hobbyist
- Up Mini / 3D printers – hobbyist
- UV/Image Editor / UV mapping the head
- UV unwrapping
- UV maps, applying to wings / UV mapping the wings
- dragons belly, mapping / UV mapping the belly
- wing edge, UV mapping / UV mapping the edges of the wing
- head, UV mapping / UV mapping the head
- Vat photopolymerization / Types of 3D printers
- V button / Vertex painting
- vertex painting / Vertex painting
- View mode / Modifying the UV coordinates to add detail
- Volume* button / Economizing when 3D printing
- watertight model
- creating / Making a watertight model
- Y-Up orientation / Getting the orientation right
- Z-Up axes / Getting the orientation right
- ZoomRP
- URL / 3D printing services