Installing and running the Cargo Tracker application
Before we can install and run the Cargo Tracker application, we need to get the source code from the official repository on GitHub. The first step is to clone the project to a local directory. To do so, open a Terminal or command prompt and run the following command:
git clone
This command will create a directory called cargotracker
and copy the source code from GitHub into the directory. The next step is to go into the directory so that we can change the branch of the project. For this, use the following command:
cd .\cargotracker\
Now that we are in the correct directory, we can change the branch using this command:
git checkout javaee7
After you run this command, you will have a version of the Cargo Tracker application that uses Java EE 7. This will be the starting point of the source code for migrating to Jakarta EE 10.
With the source code ready, we can start...