What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with D3.js, is designed to get you up and running with D3.js, covering fundamental aspects, such as what D3.js is, and how to set up a typical D3.js data visualization environment.
Chapter 2, Be Selective, covers one of the most fundamental tasks you need to perform with any data visualization project using D3: selection. Selection helps you target certain visual elements on the page.
Chapter 3, Dealing with Data, explores the most essential question in any data visualization project: how to represent data in both programming constructs and its visual metaphor.
Chapter 4, Tipping the Scales, covers the one key task that you need to perform over and over again as a data visualization developer, that is, mapping values in your data domain to visual domain, which is the focus of this chapter.
Chapter 5, Playing with Axes, explores the usage of the axes component and some related techniques commonly used in the visualization based on the Cartesian coordinates system.
Chapter 6, Transition with Style, deals with a saying that is arguably one of the most important cornerstones of data visualization, "a picture is worth a thousand words." This chapter covers transition and animation support provided by the D3 library.
Chapter 7, Getting into Shape, deals with Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG), which is a mature World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard widely used in visualization projects.
Chapter 8, Chart Them Up, explores one of the oldest and trusted companions in data visualization: charts. Charts are a well-defined and well-understood graphical representation of data.
Chapter 9, Lay Them Out, focuses on the D3 layout. D3 layouts are algorithms that calculate and generate placement information for a group of elements capable of generating some of the most complex and interesting visualizations.
Chapter 10, Interacting with Your Visualization, focuses on D3 human visualization interaction support or, in other words, how to add computational steering capability to your visualization.
Chapter 11, Using Force, covers one of the most fascinating aspects of D3: force. Force simulation is one of the most awe-inspiring techniques that you can add to your visualization.
Chapter 12, Know Your Map, introduces the basic D3 cartographic visualization techniques and how to implement a fully functional geographic visualization in D3.
Chapter 13, Test Drive Your Visualization, guides you to implement your visualization like a pro with Test-Driven Development (TDD).
Appendix A, Building Interactive Analytics in Minutes, serves as an introduction to Crossfilter.js and DC.js on interactive dimensional charting.