Another method to hook targets to BeEF is to inject the JavaScript that BeEF gives us using MITMf. So, if the target and attacker are in the same network, and if we can become the man-in-the-middle (or if we manage to the become the man-in-the-middle because we had a fake access point or because we are physically connected to the target computer, regardless of the way that we became the man-in-the-middle), we can inject the hook code into the browser, into the pages (HTTP pages) that the target person browses, and they'll be hooked to BeEF without clicking on anything, and without our having to send them anything. We're going to use the exact same link in the page that we used before, which is, or the script. We are going to copy it and then we'll paste it into our --inject plugin with MITMf. The command...