- USE yourschema;
describe managers; - CREATE TABLE newtablename
SELECT * FROM existingtablename - By using a WHERE clause.
- TRUNCATE TABLE tablename;
- UPDATE table1 t1
INNER JOIN table2 t2
ON t1.id = t2.id
SET t1.col1 = t2.col1 - A grouping of one or more changes to the database.
- To start a transaction in MySQL, use the START TRANSACTION or BEGIN keywords. To commit the transaction, you use the COMMIT keyword. To roll back a transaction, use the ROLLBACK keyword.
- ALTER TABLE table1
ADD COLUMN col2 datatype constraint AFTER col1; - ALTER TABLE table1
CHANGE COLUMN col1 col1 newdatatype;
ALTER TABLE table1 - CHANGE COLUMN col1 col1a datatype;