This section provides access to the all the key administrative screens for site building:

You'll be covering each section of this page more comprehensively in later chapters so we won't worry about fine detail here.
As a Drupal site builder, you'll be spending a lot of time in here and so it is well worth a quick look around the various pages to get an idea of what this section contains.
Block layout
You'll recall from Chapter 3, Basic Concepts, that most Drupal pages are actually made up of collections of blocks with each block being placed in a one or more theme regions.
The administration page Manage | Structure | Block layout provides you with a single screen to manage all the available blocks on your site. The list in the left-hand side shows you which blocks are currently active and into which regions they are placed.
You will see a list of region names and their current block content. For example, you'll see the Site branding block placed in the Header region.
You can click the...