Identifying Done and dealing with Undone
As discussed in Chapter 5, the Definition of Done (DoD) is the commitment for the product Increment. An Increment must – at minimum—meet the DoD. According to the Scrum Guide, the moment a Product Backlog item meets the DoD, a product Increment is born. Meeting the DoD ensures quality standards have been met and provides transparency about the work completed and the state of the Increment. An Increment that does not meet the DoD must not be released or even presented at the Sprint Review. Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same product should comply with the same DoD.
An Increment is Done if it can be released to the stakeholders, and it meets the standards set in the DoD.
The DoD is a set of standards or criteria that the Developers’ work must meet. Usually, these standards involve certain levels of testing, documentation, traceability, compliance, and others, depending on the organization and the business...