Chapter 5. Customizing Alfresco Share
Alfresco Share is an all-purpose user interface for general document management. As such, it may not be specific enough for the solution you are trying to implement. Or, you may have the opposite problem-too many choices can confuse the users. The good news is that Alfresco Share is easily configurable and can be extended.
By the end of this chapter, you will know how to:
- Add new action items to the Alfresco Share
- Show/hide menu items based on things such as permissions or arbitrary logic
- Create custom metadata template to change how Alfresco Share shows repository data
- Create custom dialogs to gather information from a user
- Create new pages into Alfresco Share
- Create new dashlets into Alfresco Share
- Assess whether the solution you are building should be based on a custom version of Alfresco Share or would be more appropriate as a custom application
It is important to note that with the 4.2 release (and expanded with the 5.1 release), Alfresco...