Testing the camera
An IP camera (or Internet Protocol camera) is a camera that you can access on your wireless network provided that it is configured correctly. The configuration procedure depends on which IP camera you bought and who the manufacturer is, but they should all be pretty similar.

If you purchased the exact same one that is used in this chapter, the setup is explained in the following section. However, if you got a different one, do not worry. Use the manual or installation guide that comes with the camera to install it onto your network. Go through the following steps anyway, to get an idea of what you should do if you do not have the same camera.
Installing the camera on the network
Go to http://netcam360.com/enindex.html and download IP camera for PC.

You should also be able to find a PC installation manual on the same webpage. Follow the instructions provided. I will not go into detail because there is a high chance that you have not purchased the same IP Camera.