Tuning the configurations of the JVM
The settings of JVM can be adjusted. The process of adjusting the settings of JVM is called tuning. The idea of these adjustments is to boost the performance of the JVM. Once again, tuning should not be the first step in improving performance. Good code should always come first.
We are going to have a look at the settings that are related to memory management: the heap size, Metaspace, and the garbage collector.
Tuning the heap size and thread stack size
The heap size can be changed. It is generally best practice to not set the heap size to more than half of what is available on the server. This could lead to performance issues, as the server will be having other processes running as well.
The default size depends on the system. This command will show the defaults on a Windows system:
java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | findstr HeapSize
This command shows the default output for a macOS system:
java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version...