So, in this chapter, we have covered Timelion and Dev Tools, which are quite useful tools of Kibana. We started with a Timelion introduction. Then we looked at the different functions that are available in Timelion, such as the .es() function to set the Elasticsearch data source, and its different parameters including index, metric, split, offset, fit and time field, and so on. After that, have covered other functions such as .static() to create a static line on the x axis, the .points() function to convert the graph into a point display, .color() to change the color of the plot, the .derivetive() function to plot the difference in value over time, .label() to set the label for a data series, .range to limit the graph display between particular min and max ranges, and lastly the .holt() function to forecast the future trend or to get the anomaly in data. For a complete...