Technical requirements
You can use a local LaTeX installation, or you can compile the example code online at
The code is available on GitHub:
In this chapter, we will use the following packages: arev
, beramono
, bookman
, calligra
, charter
, cmbright
, concmath
, concrete
, courier
, fontenc
, fouriernc
, helvet
, inconsolata
, kerkis
, kmath
, kpfonts
, kurier
, lmodern
, mathdesign
, miama
, newcent
, newpx
, newpxmath
, newtx
, newtxmath
, sfmath
, and unicode-math
In addition, we will briefly discuss these packages: cm-super
, inputenc
, and sansmath
You can find other and advanced code examples in the LaTeX Cookbook, Chapter 3, Adjusting Fonts, with compilable code at the book's website: