This was an interesting chapter with important content to learn, right? In this chapter, we started with an introduction to Solr. We went through the impressive history of Solr and its backbone, Lucene. We learned and understood the characteristics and why we use Solr. Besides, we saw a wonderful list of use cases around the globe that have adopted Solr to serve many of the key features of the solution. In the later section of the chapter, we learned about the exciting new features of Solr 7 that briefly covered replication, SolrJ, schemaless improvements, spatial fields, and more.
Moving on to the next chapter, we will learn how to get started with Solr. The chapter will focus on Solr installation, understanding various files and the folder structure, along with loading sample data into Solr. The chapter will explain how we can browse the Solr interface and how to use the Solr admin interface.