Getting familiar with the Kuka environment
KUKA is a company that offers industrial robotics solutions, which are widely used in manufacturing and assembly environments. PyBullet includes a simulation of a KUKA robot, used for object grasping simulations (Figure 14.3).

Figure 14.3 – KUKA robots are widely used in industry. (a) A real KUKA robot (image source CNC Robotics website), (b) a PyBullet simulation.
There are multiple Kuka environments in PyBullet for:
- Grasping a rectangle block using robot and object position and angles,
- Grasping a rectangle block using camera inputs,
- Grasping random objects using camera/position inputs.
In this chapter, we focus on the first one, which we look into next in more detail.
Grasping a rectangle block using a Kuka robot
In this environment, the goal of the robot is to reach a rectangle object, grasp it, and raise it up to a certain height. An example scene from the environment, along...