Ready camera two
If a one-eyed man says, “I’ve got my eye on you,” we know which eye he’s talking about. For anyone with more eyes than that, we need them to specify. Which eye are we talking about here? If we think of cameras in Blender as eyes, we’ll need to answer a similar question if we’ve got more than one.
To start, let’s make sure our scene has some cameras in it.
Setting up multiple cameras
Adding cameras to your scene is almost too easy. If you know how to add your first camera with Add (Shift + A) | Camera, then you know how to add a second camera with Add (Shift + A) | Camera. To add the third camera, we use Add (Shift + A) | Camera and adding the fourth camera is as easy as using Add (Shift + A) | Camera... you get the idea.
Here’s my scene with three cameras:

Figure 13.2: A scene with three cameras
By default, each camera object uses its own unique Camera Data—properties...