Introducing Geospatial ML with SageMaker
At re:Invent 2022, the Amazon SageMaker Team made a major announcement, the launch of a native geospatial-focused capability. AWS is continuing to invest in its geospatial capabilities adding to its current offerings in Amazon Location Service, S3, Aurora, and now SageMaker Geospatial. The ability to access geospatial datasets and capabilities from within SageMaker democratizes and simplifies the analysis of large publicly available satellite datasets in S3. You now have access to readily available geospatial data sources to include in your projects. Map visualizations and other convenience features make this a useful tool for any data scientists looking to leverage location in their models. There is a built-in map visualization that can provide immediate value to any data analytics project:

Figure 11.3: Over 200,000 GPS data points visualized in SageMaker Geospatial
ML is difficult; ML on geospatial data is extremely...