Now lets look at another example on hooking people to the BeEF when they exist outside our network. So again, we're going to have the example against the same Windows machine that's in a completely different network, and we'll see how we can hook that machine to the BeEF. We're going to start the BeEF browser with just one click on the BeEF framework icon. We will go to log in with the username beef, and password is beef as well. Now, we're going to use the same basic hook method that we did before in Chapter 13, Client-Side Attacks - Social Engineering, so in that method we need to get the script code, and we did this before - it has the same procedure, and we placed the script in our Apache web server, we placed it in an HTML page, which was in the Apache web home /var/www/html directory. We are going to open the index.html file and then...