Nesting templates
It is also possible in Zabbix to link templates with each other. This may sound weird and unnecessary at first but it's definitely a great feature. Imagine you have a web server with Apache, MySQL, and PHP. You could create 1 big template to monitor all items or you could create 3 templates. One for Apache, one for MySQL, and another one for PHP. But what if you have another web server that you would like to monitor? Do you add those three templates again to that host? What you could do in this case is create a new template Webserver
and link it with the three templates we mentioned earlier. In this case, we only have to link 1 template Webserver
to our webserver and we can still use the template Apache or MySQL in case we only want to monitor Apache or MySQL on another server.
Getting ready
To be able to do this recipe, you need a Zabbix server properly set up with an admin account or super administrator account setup.
How to do it...
From the menu go, to Configuration |...