HTML5 forms
Here's the scenario: for our example And the winner isn't... responsive website. I've decided that I'd like people to be able to vent their own frustration at the turkeys that have been picking up the award gongs. We'll be adding a form that let's people tell us about the film they feel shouldn't have won, and the film they feel should have taken its place.
The following screenshot shows how our basic form looks, with just a little basic styling in Chrome (v16):

Besides standard form input fields and text areas, we have a number spinner, a range slider, and placeholder text for many of the fields. If we 'focus' (select) on that particular field the placeholder text is removed and if we lose focus without entering anything (by clicking outside of the input box again) the placeholder text re-appears. Furthermore, looking at this page in Google's Chrome browser, if we go ahead and submit the form without entering anything, the following happens:

So besides a couple of visual flourishes...