In this lab, we will demonstrate how to use SET to deliver a payload through a victim's web browser using Autopwn. For this lab, we are using Kali Linux running in VMware as our attacking machine. Our victim will be a Windows 7 machine running in VMware. We will provide screenshots for each step:
- First, we need to open SET by opening a Terminal and typing setoolkit. On the first options menu screen type 1 for Social-Engineering Attacks. The following screenshot displays the first options menu you will see:

- On the next menu options screen, we will type 2 for Website AttackVectors. The following screenshot displays the second options menu you will encounter:

- The next options menu will ask us to choose an attack method. For this lab, we will choose number 2 for the Metasploit Browser Exploit Method. The following screenshot displays what the third options menu will look like when...