Hardware and Software requirements
First, let's see what the required components for this project are.
You will, of course, need the usual Arduino Uno, that will act as the brain of the project and process all the information.
You will also need a simple wire, preferably long (such as 10 cm to 20 cm) to act as an antenna. You will need a 1M Ohm resistor along with this wire.
To display the data, we will use a simple I2C LCD screen. I used a 4 x 20 I2C screen from DFRobot:

You can, of course, use the LCD screen of your choice for this project, you will just need to use the right LCD library.
I also integrated a simple red LED along with a 330 Ohm resistor to display when EMF goes above a given level.
Finally, you will also need a breadboard and jumper wires to make the different connections.
Here is the list of all the components that we will use for this project:
Arduino Uno (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11021)
I2C LCD screen (http://www.robotshop.com/en/dfrobot-i2c-twi-lcd-module.html)
Red LED...