Performing chi-squared tests in Python
In biostatistics, we often have categorical variables, and the data is frequently represented by the fact that it belongs to certain categories. In biostatistics, chi-square is often used for categorical variables (data). One such example is whether the lipids belong to a category within the normal or abnormal reference range.
According to the American Board of Family Medicine, the normal TG level is below 1.7 mmol/L, and all values above that are considered as increased TGs.
You can refer to the aforementioned journal here: Pejic RN, Lee DT (May–Jun 2006). “Hypertriglyceridemia”. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine,
To understand this, let’s check the code where first, we will need to load the data and create a new column that will contain information about categories based on the reference threshold for the TG variable. Then, we can use that...