Potential enhancements to the FL server
Here are some of the key potential enhancements to the FL server discussed in this chapter.
Redesigning the database
The database was intentionally designed with minimal table information in this book and needs to be extended, such as by having tables of the aggregator itself, agents, the initial base model, and the project info, among other things, in the database. For example, the FL system described here in this chapter does not support the termination and restart of the server and agent processes. Thus, the FL server implementation is not complete, as it loses most of the information when any of the systems is stopped or failed.
Automating the registry of an initial model
In order to simplify the explanation of the process of registering the initial model, we defined the layers of the ML models using model names. This registration of the model in the system can be automated so that just loading a certain ML model, such as PyTorch...