Edge internet protocols
The edge has to communicate with the cloud or (in general) central system. The most important edge-to-internet protocols (see also IoT and Edge Computing for Architects – Second Edition, Perry Lea, Packt Publishing) are the following:
- MQTT and the secure channel MQTTS are the most important ISO protocols for machine-to-machine communication. The standard is ISO/IEC PRF 20922. We will explore MQTT in Chapter 8. MQTT is based on the publish/subscribe pattern.
- AMQP was developed for interoperability and messaging. AMQP is also based on the publish/subscribe pattern. It is similar to MQTT, but it is a heavier protocol.
- HTTP and HTTPS are not real protocols for IoT but are normally used in conjunction with the REST API to transmit data over the internet.
- The CoAP is a specific protocol for IoT, based on the REST API. For more information, please check out the following website: https://coap.space/.
Now, we understand how to connect...