Acquire a basic understanding of Laravel's organization, opinions, and functions
Understand how to create CRUD applications and tie together core concepts that form the backbone of any app
How to work with databases to persist data and add user authentication to any app
Laravel is a prominent member of a new generation of web frameworks. It is one of the most popular PHP frameworks and is also free and an open source. Laravel 5 is a substantial upgrade with a lot of new toys, at the same time retaining the features that made Laravel wildly successful. It comes with plenty of architectural as well as design-based changes. Laravel Foundations is a blend of several recipes that will give you all the essential tips you need to build an application. This video course starts by walking you through building an online forum from scratch using Laravel. A forum teaches important concepts such as saving, reading, and updating database entries; working with relationships; adding authentication; and working with views and reusable components. You will also learn how to use routes, connect a database, add comments, and build an authentication system for your forum. By the end of this course you will have the knowledge necessary to put together basic Laravel applications and a foundation you can build on. You will be prepared for later volumes in this series that explore more advanced topics to enhance your application further.
This video course is for beginners to Laravel who want to learn how Laravel works and how to build their first applications with Laravel. Despite being aimed at beginners, this video shoes how you can build an impressive application very quickly thanks to how easy-to-use Laravel is. Viewers should have an understanding of HTML/CSS (or a preprocessor) as well as basic PHP syntax and fundamental concepts (loops, arrays, classes, functions, public/private properties, and so on). A basic understanding of core web development concepts is assumed.
Set up a basic application to build a Q+A site
How to submit forms, process data, and save it into your database
Show processed data to the user, create related posts, an authentication system, and much more
Get started with building almost any type of app you can imagine
Work with the PHP API using Gulp