Getting started
Power BI is a Software as a Service (SaaS) offering in the Azure cloud and, as such, the Microsoft product team follows a strategy of cloud first as they develop and add new features to the product. Power BI is also one of five members of Microsoft’s Power Platform:

Figure 2.1: Microsoft’s Power Platform suite of tools
Each of the tools within the Power Platform solves distinctly different problems, but what they have in common is who their core user audience is intended to be. The Power Platform and all the tools included within it are designed and built so business users can solve and design solutions on their own rather than relying solely on their IT department. All five tools within the Power Platform leverage Microsoft’s cloud architecture and allow for seamless integration between the different tools. Leveraging the features of each Power Platform tool (Power BI, Power Apps, Power Pages, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agents...