You may have realized while working with the LDR circuit and code that there are a few tunable parameters that influence how the circuit and code work, and did you wonder why we used a 10kΩ resistor?
No two LDRs will give the same resistance-to-light measurement and their resistance-to-light range is not linear. The implication of this is that your LDR, plus the lighting conditions you plan to use it in, can influence a suitable fixed resistor value.
Here is a rough guide to selecting an appropriate fixed resistor:
- If you want the LDR to be more sensitive in darker conditions, use a higher value resistor (for example, try 100kΩ).
- If you want your LDR to be more sensitive in brighter conditions, use a lower value resistor (for example, try 1kΩ).
Remember that these are just suggestions, so feel free to try different resistances for your own needs. Plus, whenever you change the value of the fixed resistor,...