The inverse of a globe is a photosphere. Where a globe maps an equirectangular texture onto the outside surface of a sphere, a photosphere would map the texture onto the inside surface, and you view it from the inside so it surrounds you.
For our examples, I'm using the Farmhouse.png image which is provided with this book, as shown below. Feel free to use your own 360-degree photo, whether you have a 360-degree camera such as the Ricoh Theta or other brand, use a photo stitching app for Android or iOS, or download one from any number of photo sources on the web.

As we've seen, Unity ordinarily renders only the outward-facing surfaces of objects. This is determined, mathematically, as the normal direction vector of each facet of its surface mesh. A Plane is the simplest example. Back in Chapter 2, Content, Objects, and Scale, we created a big screen...