Connecting to the database
Before your geospatial data can be loaded into your Aurora instance, it needs to be configured as a geospatial database. The commands that you need to run will require a PostgreSQL database client, and pgAdmin is a widely used, free, and convenient tool. pgAdmin can be downloaded for Windows, macOS, or a number of other platforms from the following link:
Using pgAdmin, or your database client of choice, create a connection by registering a new server. The database endpoint, username, and password are entered in the highlighted areas in Figure 5.12:

Figure 5.12: Connecting to the Amazon Aurora database instance
This completes the installation and connection to your new PostgreSQL database on Amazon Aurora. In the next section, we’ll install the geospatial extensions.
Installing the PostGIS extension
Creating a PostgreSQL database does not provide the necessary support for geospatial...