Simulating airfoil self-noise using ANNs
The noise generated by an airfoil is due to the interaction between a turbulent airflow and the aircraft’s airfoil blades. Predicting the acoustic field in these situations requires an aeroacoustics methodology that can operate in complex environments. Additionally, the method that is used must avoid the formulation of coarse hypotheses regarding geometry, compactness, and content of the frequency of sound sources. The prediction of the sound generated by a turbulent flow must, therefore, correctly model both the physical phenomena of sound propagation and the turbulence of the flow. Since these two phenomena manifest energy and scales of very different lengths, the correct prediction of the sound generated by a turbulent flow is not easy to model.
Aircraft noise is a crucial topic for the aerospace industry. The NASA Langley Research Center has funded several strands of research to effectively study the various mechanisms of a self...